Albany Times Union (Sunday)

Some of us just want a better president

- By John M. Crisp John M. Crisp is an op-ed columnist for Tribune News Service.

It’s a common accusation: “You just hate Trump.” But this dismissive assertion always implies a subtext: “Your hatred of Trump blinds you to his virtues and accomplish­ments.”

Sometimes this “hatred” of Trump is called TDS — Trump Derangemen­t Syndrome; again, your derangemen­t has made it impossible for you to evaluate Donald Trump fairly.

But whether one is deranged or genuinely hates Trump is irrelevant to this essential fact: Putting aside for a moment his less-than-impressive four years in office and his burgeoning tendencies toward authoritar­ianism, Donald J. Trump is just not a good man.

Of course, this is only an assertion, and if you’re one of Trump’s devoted supporters, you’ve already stopped reading.

But if you’re among those Americans who are as yet uncommitte­d to either side — the ones who may make the difference in the election of 2024 — consider the role that a candidate’s basic character should have in how we choose who leads our nation.

I’m not an expert on the 45 men (Grover Cleveland was president twice) whom we’ve elected to our highest office, but I’ve devoted the last few years to reading their biographie­s. I’ve made my way up through H.W. Brand’s “Reagan: The Life.” I haven’t skipped any, not even Millard Fillmore.

The presidency has been occupied by many flawed men. Some have been slaveholde­rs, drinkers, incompeten­ts, adulterers, liars and corrupt cowards. Others have been decent, honest, skillful, hardworkin­g family men, upright, honorable and principled.

Mostly, though, our presidents have been messy combinatio­ns of defects and virtues. In short, they’re like us, apt representa­tives of our complicate­d national psyche.

But in terms of basic character, have we ever had a president like Trump?

Richard Nixon was a liar, but he lied with purpose, to cover up, for example, his connection to Watergate. He never boasted about the size of the crowd at his inaugurati­on to make himself look good.

John F. Kennedy was fond of women who were not his wife, but, as a rule, he didn’t treat women as disposable adjuncts to his ego. Other presidents were philandere­rs, as well, but none publicly ridiculed women for their looks or called them pigs, dogs or maggots.

And Ronald Reagan, who probably did more than anyone to propagate the dismissive contempt for government that so many Americans feel, embodied a profound respect for our constituti­onal system. It is impossible to imagine Reagan attempting to subvert a legitimate election.

In short, 44 men have served as president; then there’s Donald Trump.

Here’s the odd thing: The people who charge me with hating Trump are generally good people who have more character than the man they’re defending.

You don’t have to be filled with hatred or deranged to want someone in the White House with better character than Trump. Or to imagine that we could fill the office with a man or woman who is at least as good as most of us are.

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