Albany Times Union

St. Peter’s Hospital offers new treatment for reflux

Minimally invasive surgery implants ring to block acid

- By Bethany Bump

St. Peter’s Hospital in Albany is now offering patients a minimally invasive, long-lasting solution to gastroesop­hageal reflux disease, a chronic condition that causes stomach acid to back up into the esophagus.

The disease, known as GERD, occurs when the lower esophagus does not close properly after swallowing, and can lead to more serious conditions over time, including Barrett’s esophagus and cancer.

Dr. Dennis Rassias, chief of thoracic surgery at St. Peter’s Hospital, recently performed the hospital’s first LINX implant procedure to treat the disease. Approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administra­tion in 2011, the procedure involves inserting a small, ring-shaped device about the size of a quarter around the lower esophagus where it connects to the stomach. Made of permanent magnets surrounded by titanium beads, the ring stops acid from entering the esophagus easily and increases the pressure of the lower esophageal sphincter.

“Historical­ly, what we’ve been doing to augment the sphincter pressure of the esophageal valve is a surgery called fundoplica­tion, which uses the patient’s own stomach,” Rassias said. “While this helps many patients, there is the small possibilit­y that it can break down after about 20 years. What makes LINX such an attractive treatment is that it’s completely reversible, is minimally invasive, and should last a lifetime.”

Because the procedure is minimally invasive — a robotic arm inserts the device through small cuts in the abdomen with the aid of a camera — most patients who undergo the surgery are able to go home the same day and quickly resume a normal diet. Typical physical activity can usually resume within a few days.

Unlike the older procedure, LINX retains a patient’s ability to belch or vomit if necessary. It’s also reversible, in case the need arises for other treatment options.

LINX is intended for patients diagnosed with GERD who continue to have symptoms even while taking medication. Patients interested in undergoing the procedure must first meet certain criteria as determined by their physician. These include:

■ Positive 24-hour ph test to determine the presence and severity of GERD

■ Near normal esophageal motility, or functionin­g of the esophagus

■ Body mass index under 35

■ Barium swallow and endoscopy showing no cancer

Anyone seeking more informatio­n about the procedure should contact the department of thoracic and esophageal surgery at St. Peter’s Hospital at 518525-8501.

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