Albany Times Union



Take this Super Quiz to a PH.D. Score 1 point for each correct answer on the Freshman Level, 2 points on the Graduate Level and 3 points on the PH.D. Level.


(e.g., Home of the 1964 and 1976 Winter Olympics. Answer: Innsbruck, Austria.)

Freshman level

1. What song contains the lyrics “Later on we’ll conspire, as we dream by the fire”? 2. Two word term for the cold and dark weather that a nuclear war could bring. 3. Who is the author of the play “The Winter’s Tale”? 4. George Washington spent the winter of 1777-78 at Valley Forge in this state. 5. What plays begins, “Now is the winter of our discontent”?

Graduate level

6. Peter O’toole starred as King Henry II in this 1968 film. 7. Provide the first line of the song “A Marshmallo­w World.” 8. This comic actor played the “child” Mearth on “Mork & Mindy.” 9. Milady de Winter is a spy for Cardinal Richelieu in this novel and film. 10. In which city was the Winter Palace once the home of Russian monarchs?

Ph.d. level

11. Which two countries fought in the Winter War in 1939-1940?

12. It is on or about Dec. 22 in the Northern Hemisphere. 13. Title of John Steinbeck’s last novel. 14. In a novel and a film, Maximilian de Winter was the owner of this estate. 15. Judy Tyler portrayed this princess on the “Howdy Doody” show.


1. “Winter Wonderland.” 2. Nuclear winter. 3. William Shakespear­e.

4. Pennsylvan­ia. 5. “Richard III.” 6. “The Lion in Winter.” 7. “Ahhh, it’s a marshmallo­w world in the winter.” 8. Jonathan Winters. 9. “The Three Musketeers.” 10. St. Petersburg. 11. Russia (Soviet Union) and Finland. 12. Winter solstice (midwinter). 13. “The Winter of Our Discontent.” 14. Manderley (“Rebecca”). 15. Princess Summerfall Winterspri­ng.

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