Albany Times Union

Boy, 7, seriously hurt after dog attack in Troy

- By Sara Cline

A 7-year-old boy was hospitaliz­ed last week after being attacked by a dog, police said on Monday.

The dog is being held by the Mohawk Hudson Humane Society and a dangerous dog hearing is scheduled for Thursday.

Police said the attack, which was first reported by WRGB (CBS-6), occurred Feb. 14 on Fifth Avenue in North Troy.

The dog — a Rottweiler — bit the boy and dragged the youngster down a sidewalk, officials confirmed.

“The young boy sustained serious bite injuries to his legs and is still in the hospital,” Assistant Chief Daniel Dewolf said. “The attack was unprovoked.”

The dangerous dog hearing will be heard in court Thursday.

In a separate case in December, Troy’s dangerous dog statute was changed following a fight to spare a 6-year-old mixed breed named Luna. Luna was set to be euthanized after biting another dog and its owner, causing minor injuries, police said.

Luna’s story caught the attention of many, including residents, city officials, state officials and even state Sen. Jim Tedisco.

The case captured media attention and prompted Troy’s City Council to change the wording of its law, which many thought was too harsh because it mandated that an animal be killed after a single incident of biting a person.

The new ordinance reads, “Any dangerous dog which attacks a human being or animal may be ordered destroyed.” Previously it said “shall.”

The new statute now gives a judge the option of giving a biting canine a second chance, depending on the circumstan­ces.

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