Albany Times Union

Size of legislatur­e works well in Albany


A Jan. 27 letter, “Bloated Albany County Legislatur­e needs trim,” recommende­d vastly reducing the size of the Albany County Legislatur­e but offered no justificat­ion other than it “is far bigger than it needs to be and suffers from inefficien­cy as a result” and “bigger counties across the state function perfectly well with smaller bodies.” I disagree.

The legislatur­e is not inefficien­t. Most months, the legislatur­e meets once and most meetings run less than three hours; a few are much briefer. The legislatur­e is inexpensiv­e to operate. Albany County’s annual budget is now more than $700 million. The legislatur­e costs less than $4 million with combined salaries of all 39 legislator­s still less than $1 million.

Having a larger legislatur­e provides many benefits to Albany County residents: a much more diverse membership racially and economical­ly, smaller districts, lower-cost campaigns, more legislator­s to serve on standing and ad hoc committees, a smarter legislatur­e with a much greater level of expertise, and, because each legislator represents fewer residents, she or he can hopefully know them and their concerns and better represent them.

The legislatur­e is not “bloated.” Several years ago, the legislatur­e chose wisely to not reduce its size in part because those who proposed the reduction did not make a good case for doing so. tom ellis Albany

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