Albany Times Union

Catholics for Choice not everyone’s belief


In response to Glenn Northern’s letter (“Cuomo followed his conscience on RHA,” Feb. 7), I want it on record that Catholics for Choice does not speak for me nor for many others I know.

To consider oneself a Catholic but also pro-choice is like claiming to be for diversity while espousing racism. The RHA is one of the most horrendous pieces of legislatio­n ever enacted. It is against a main tenet of Judeo-christian and other beliefs, “Thou shall not kill,” which lists no exceptions. It is also against the right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” in the Declaratio­n of Independen­ce. The value of human life has long been the standard for civilized behavior but is now under attack by terrorism and the legalizati­on of euthanasia and abortion. We cannot achieve peace when life is constantly devalued, even for the most innocent. Our parents gave us the gift of life, who are we to deny others that same right?

Marilyn Park Schuylervi­lle

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