Albany Times Union



Take this Super Quiz to a PH.D. Score 1 point for each correct answer on the Freshman Level, 2 points on the Graduate Level and 3 points on the PH.D. Level.


Each answer begins with “bar.” (e.g., Which actress was known as “The Poor Little Rich Girl”? Answer: Barbara Hutton.)

Freshman level

1. Complete the threesome: lock, stock and ———— .2. This doll’s boyfriend is named Ken. 3. What instrument is used to measure atmospheri­c pressure?

Graduate level

4. What is the long metal bar to which weights are added at each end called in weightlift­ing? 5. This range of the male singing voice is higher than bass and lower than tenor. 6. Sir ————— was the first horse to win the Triple Crown.

Ph.d. level

7. Term for the rod ballet dancers use for support during ballet exercises. 8. What is the former name of the northernmo­st city in the United States? 9. Surname of the man who created the fictional island Neverland.


1. Barrel. 2. Barbie. 3. Barometer. 4. Barbell. 5. Baritone. 6. Barton. 7. Barre. 8. Barrow. 9. Barrie.

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