Albany Times Union

On this date in ...

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1919: Albany police put out the word that two highwaymen were operating in the city. A fireman returning home at midnight from work was accosted by the men on Hudson Avenue near Swan Street. They allegedly put him in a martial arts hold that “almost broke his neck” while also robbing him of all his cash and a gold watch. The firefighte­r did not report the crime for fear it would make him “look foolish,” but news of the incident reached police headquarte­rs anyway.

1969: The College of Saint Rose was going coeducatio­nal: men would be admitted to the undergradu­ate day division in September, announced Sister Margaret Keeshan, college president. The college had a coeducatio­nal graduate division since the 1940s and at that moment had about 125 men on the graduate level. The college had been founded in 1920 as a four-year college for women. The move to coeducatio­n was a decision of the board of trustees of the college.

1994: For nearly two months, the state Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservati­on was, quite quietly, unable to legally issue permits for everything from campsites and archaeolog­ical excavation­s to the filming of commercial­s on park grounds — all because of a Long Island evangelist and a federal judge who may have gotten his sections confused with his subsection­s. It was a story of a bureaucrac­y tangling with itself and losing, albeit briefly and without anyone’s knowledge, some of its essential power: the ability to tell people what they could and couldn’t do. The odd little mess left state agency lawyers scrambling for a way out.

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