Albany Times Union

Cuomo guards data of public employees

Provision added to budget would shield personal informatio­n

- By Rick Karlin

In a sign that the tug-o-war stemming from the U.S. Supreme Court’s Janus decision continues, Gov. Andrew Cuomo has put a provision in his budget proposal to codify the protection of personal contact informatio­n for public employees.

While informatio­n like home addresses, email or phone numbers of public sector workers isn’t generally obtainable from their employers, the governor’s plan would put into law earlier guidance his Department of Labor issued in the wake of last year’s Janus decision. He also issued an executive order right after the Janus ruling protecting employees’ personal contact informatio­n.

“As part of the Governor’s Justice Agenda, the Executive Budget advances a proposal to protect the privacy of all public employees by prohibitin­g public employers from disclosing the personal contact informatio­n of public employees,” reads part of the budget narrative.

“The bill puts into permanent law the prohibitio­n of the disclosure of employees’ personal informatio­n by public sector employers,’’ said Division of Budget spokesman Morris Peters. “In doing so, it fulfills the Governor’s pledge to protect public employees from union-busting campaigns following the Supreme Court’s Janus decision.”

The measure, however, would also mandate that public employers provide informatio­n including the address and work location for employees to the unions that represent them. That would come through a change in state Civil Service law.

Depending on where one stands, the move is either a symbolic gesture acknowledg­ing what already exists or a welcome move. Aside from names, job titles and salaries, informatio­n on public employees is generally protected under privacy provisions already.

“The governor is looking to impress political supporters by solving a problem that doesn’t exist,” said Tim Hoefer, executive director of the fiscally conservati­ve Empire Center, which has been critical of rules they believe give advantages to New York’s many public sector unions.

Union supporters, though, cheered Cuomo’s latest move.

“NYSUT strongly supports legislatio­n that will protect the privacy of all public employees at a time when wealthy union busters are trying to spread misinforma­tion about the strength and benefits of union membership,” said Matt Hamilton, spokesman for New York State United Teachers, the state’s major teacher’s union.

NYSUT is one of the unions that could be negatively affected by the Janus decision.

In June, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that members of public sector unions aren’t required to pay “agency fees,’’ or dues-like payments if they aren’t enrolled in a union but are represente­d by a union. Sparked by an Illinois state employee, Mark Janus, who disagreed with his union’s policies, the decision was hailed as a victory for union critics and conservati­ves and as a setback for public sector unions.

Without mandatory fees, public sector union members can still enjoy the benefits of union membership such as collective bargaining while not paying dues. The fear was this could damage the finances of many unions if too many employees chose to stop paying their dues.

So far, teachers appear to be sticking with their union membership, and paying their dues, following a concentrat­ed effort by NYSUT and other union officials to convince members that they are getting good value for the money, which can be hundreds of dollars per year or more.

But at least one new conser-

vative-funded group, New Choice NY, has targeted teachers and other public sector employees. Last summer, following the

Janus decision, the group sent an email blast to thousands of teachers, telling them they could opt out of their union dues if they wanted to. The group’s spokesman, Bob Bellafiore, at the time said they weren’t taking sides

but were only trying to inform employees of their options.

The email blast was followed by leaflets around Christmas time sent to the homes of unionized public employees explaining how they can halt dues payments.

“This Christmas give yourself a raise,” proclaimed one of the fliers.

The leaflets and emails underscore the reality that, with the variety of public informatio­n sources that are out there, a reasonably well-organized

and well-funded group can reach people even if their online or postal addresses aren’t immediatel­y available.

Bellafiore said New Choice NY got informatio­n on union members through public sources

and the governor’s latest move wouldn’t affect what they are doing. “It has no impact on our work,” he said.

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