Albany Times Union

The GOP’S boundless cowardice


President Trump’s defense against impeachmen­t is bombastic, full of lies and incoherent to the point of lunacy, which is no surprise. Republican­s are beclow ning themselves to pretend Trump is making sense — and that, sadly, is also no surprise.

Trump has described his smokingg un phone call with Ukrainian President Volody myr Zelenskiy as “perfect,” which is true only from the point of v iew of the prosecutor­s in his impeachmen­t trial, if it comes to that. His law yer has claimed that Zelenskiy was the first to mention Joe and Hunter Biden, while the rough transcript of the call clearly shows that it was Trump who did so. He has demanded that the whistleblo­wer be unmasked and claimed that he or she somehow misreprese­nted the call, hoping no one will notice that the allegation­s in the whistleblo­wer ’s complaint have been confirmed by documents and statements released by the White House.

Trump has accused House Intelligen­ce Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-california, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-california, of “treason” and demanded that they be impeached. After first refusing to say whether he wanted Ukraine to investigat­e the Bidens, he admitted it and called on China to investigat­e them, too. And as for Sen. Mitt Romney, R-utah — who said that Trump’s call with Zelenskiy was “troubling in the extreme” and that his requests to Ukraine and China were “wrong and appalling ” — Trump has called him a “pompous ‘ass’” and wants him impeached, too.

Romney and Sen. Rob Portman, ROhio, however, are the only prominent GOP officehold­ers thus far to call out Trump for the conduct that will likely get him impeached. Sens. Susan Collins, RMaine, and Ben Sasse, R-nebraska, have been critical of the China appeal but have said nothing about Ukraine. The bootlickin­g cowardice of today ’s Republican Party knows no bounds.

Perhaps none have embarrasse­d themselves more than Sen. Ron Johnson, R-wisconsin, who had a rough time Sunday on “Meet the Press.” Host Chuck Todd asked him about a quote of his that had appeared in The Wall Street Journal. When Johnson heard that $391 million in militar y aid for Ukraine might be being withheld to coerce an investigat­ion into the Bidens, Johnson told the Journal, “I winced. My reaction was, ‘Oh God. I don’t want to see those two things


There it is, the quid pro quo. But Johnson was apparently determined not to be seen as having criticized Trump, lest he become the target of a Trump tweetstorm. So he launched into a diatribe about how Trump’s presidency had been “sabotaged” and g iven “no measure of honeymoon whatsoever ” and then dove into fantasy-based conspiracy theories about the orig in of the Mueller investigat­ion. After a long str uggle by Todd to return to the subject of Ukraine, Johnson finally said: “When I asked the president about that, he completely denied it. He adamantly denied it. He vehemently, ang rily denied it. He said, ‘I’d never do that.’ So that is the piece of the puzzle I’m here to report today.”

Runner-up for some sort of Profiles in Spinelessn­ess award is Sen. Marco Rubio, R-florida, who said that when Trump stood on the White House lawn and called on the despotic Chinese government, with its kangaroo-court justice system, to investigat­e a former U. S v ice president and his family, he was just kidding around to get a rise out of the media.

Look at the videotape. What I see is a desperate president tr ying to convince the public that his attempted shakedown of Ukraine was so innocent, so unimpeacha­ble, that he’s willing to do the same thing to China openly. Then again, it might have been slam-dunk evidence for another article of impeachmen­t. Either way, Trump’s performanc­e looked and sounded nothing like fun and games with the White House press corps.

At this point, we can dispense with the notion that Trump welcomes impeachmen­t because he believes it g ives him a political advantage. He reportedly told House Republican­s that being impeached would be “a bad thing to have on your resume.” His tweets and harang ues betray what seems to be a visceral horror of being hauled into the dock and put on trial, even if he believes that ultimately he will not be removed from office. In his long life of privilege, Trump has rarely been held accountabl­e for his bad behavior. He seems not to enjoy the experience.

For now, Trump can cling to the fact that lily-livered Republican­s still fear his wrath. They ’re looking at the polls, though, and hearing from their constituen­ts. It is cer tainly tr ue that br ute-force intimidati­on can compel obedience — but it rarely generates tr ue loya lt y.


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