Albany Times Union

FAMILY FUN: “Jurassic World Live” comes roaring into town.

Spectacle of “Jurassic World Live” extends movie storyline

- By Jim Shahen Jr.

John Hammond’s dream is finally a reality. The eccentric millionair­e of “Jurassic Park ” endeavored to bring dinosaurs back from extinction. But where both his Ingen Corp. and the Masrani Global Corp. of “Jurassic World” couldn’t safely bring prehistory to life for visitors to Isla Nublar, the real-world Feld Entertainm­ent is bringing life-size dinos and Isla Nublar to the Times Union Center for four days and seven performanc­es of “Jurassic World Live.”

How did Feld succeed where its fictional predecesso­rs have failed?

Well, in the words of Dr. Ian Malcolm, the film series’ famous chaos theorist, “Life, uh, finds a way.”

More specifical­ly, science finds a way. Except in the case of “Jurassic World Live,” it isn’t tampering with reptile DNA to create dinosaurs; it ’s using state-ofthe-art computer technolog y and animatroni­cs to bring pteranodon­s, raptors and even a T. Rex to vivid life for this arena spectacle.

“We built the dinosaurs to true-to-life scale using the ‘Jurassic World’ CGI models from the films,” said Cooper Groves, the animatroni­c specialist who operates the show’s T. Rex. “So all of the intricate details, the scars like in the ‘Jurassic World’ movies are there.

“The T. Rex is 42 feet and 8,000 pounds,” he marveled. “She was about a two-year process in the making, from R&D to being built. There’s a lot to it to make her come alive.”

Groves specialize­s in drones. He remotely f lies the pteranodon­s. And he’s also the self-described “dino-technician, or dinowrangl­er” for the T. Rex.

And the king of the dinosaurs requires quite a bit of wrangling. Of the 26 trailers it takes to transport the entire show; two of them are for the T. Rex alone. The setup and takedown of the whole “Jurassic World Live” are both 12 hours. It takes six hours for the T. Rex’s assembly and another six for its disassembl­ing.

To operate the T. Rex during the show, it takes a team of three to four people. There’s a B-stage operator, a “dinoteer”handling facial and limb motions and

It’s not easy to drive an 8,000-pound beast on a pole with animatroni­c coding. It definitely can be stressful at times. You’re controllin­g something that, at times, doesn’t really want to be controlled.” —Cooper Groves

Groves handling the remote driving duties.

You may be surprised to know that driving a 4-ton dinosaur around the inside of an arena is difficult. Doing it while working in sync with dino-teers to ensure it looks and moves like a real dinosaur would heightens the degrees of difficulty.

“It ’s not easy to drive an 8,000-pound beast on a pole with animatroni­c coding,” Groves said. “It definitely can be stressful at times. You’re controllin­g something that, at times, doesn’t really want to be


“The dino-teers were hand-selected

( by Feld) by finding who was the best at emoting through hand puppets,” he explained. “There’s a lot of direction and movement, like ‘the neck needs to move like this.’ They watch the movies and specific scenes to see how the dinosaurs emote, so they can replicate it. It ’s a lot of fine-tuning how to make it look as natural as possible.”

As well as seeing full-sized versions of the dinosaurs we all know and love, “Jurassic World Live” follows the example of the two recent “Jurassic World” f licks by introducin­g a newly created creature to the mix. For this tour, attendees will be introduced to the trodon.

The trodon isn’t the only new thing folks will see at “Jurassic World Live.” The show features an all-new storyline that fits into the film series’ canon, taking place between “Jurassic World” and “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.”

Using the Jurassic World brand and licenses for a national tour and stage show creates a certain expectatio­n of quality and spectacle for audiences. Of course, that can also lead to cynicism, that this is some sort of easy cash-in on the name.

But rest assured, you don’t have to pull an Ian Malcolm and wonder if just because the team at Feld “was so preoc

cupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.” This show comes with the stamp of approval and expectatio­ns of the person who created the entire franchise.

“We worked with Steven Spielberg to make this a seamless ( part of the Jurassic universe),” Groves said, noting that the legendary director had to sign off on each aspect of the production. “That definitely puts on pressure to put on the best show possible.”

It ’s that collaborat­ive effort and drive to bring the sense of wonder (and fear) “Jurassic Park ” brought to movie screens in 1993 directly to audiences that is at the core of “Jurassic World Live.”

From the reactions Groves can see and hear during the show, that commitment has paid off.

“I love seeing the reaction of the kids,” he enthused. “I walk behind the T. Rex as it comes out to the stage, and I like to take a minute to look into the audience.

“To see their faces and watch them thinking about the dinosaurs, it ’s satisfying,” Groves continued. “You see the awe, a little bit of terror, but you see that you’re really making an impact on them in that moment. It ’s a really great feeling.”

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 ?? Photos by Feld Entertainm­ent ?? At top, T. Rex fans have plenty of chances to see the big lizard up close in “Jurassic World Live.”
At left, a behind-thescenes look at some of the many pieces it takes to put on the show.
Photos by Feld Entertainm­ent At top, T. Rex fans have plenty of chances to see the big lizard up close in “Jurassic World Live.” At left, a behind-thescenes look at some of the many pieces it takes to put on the show.

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