Albany Times Union

Abandoning the Kurds weakens us


After some four decades of a foreign policy built around “containmen­t” of the Soviet Union, and then two decades of foreign policy built around “enlargemen­t” — enlarging the sphere of democracy around the world — Americans want a break. President Donald Trump is not wrong about that.

The job of the president, though, is to balance the understand­able desire of Americans to no longer bear every burden and oppose any foe with the fact that U.S. interests and values still require us to remain engaged around the world in a sustainabl­e way.

But sustainabl­e engagement requires us to do at least three things: Make fine distinctio­ns, leverage allies and amplify islands of decency. Alas, Trump violated all these principles in Syria.

First, Trump, and the U.S. military, missed the distinctio­n between ISIS in Iraq and in Syria, and that’s because Trump and the Pentagon had put the war on terrorism on autopilot.

How so? It was quite logical that after ISIS emerged in Iraq and Syria in 2014 that the U.S. would take on the mission of helping to destroy ISIS in Iraq.

Washington felt guilty having removed all combat troops from Iraq before it was really stabilized and ISIS had brutally murdered American journalist­s. But rather than do it all ourselves, we partnered with the Iraqi army and amplified its power and ground forces with our advisers and air power.

That approach led not only to the defeat of ISIS in Iraq, it also produced some unanticipa­ted positive effects in Iraqi politics. The ISIS war became a kind of national war of liberation for Iraqis that brought moderate Iraqi Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds closer together — and gave them dignity that the U.S. invasion of Iraq had unintentio­nally stolen. And this paved the way for more stable and sustainabl­e power-sharing among Sunnis, Kurds and Shiites in Iraq.

Iraq today remains a very frail democracy — with huge challenges in employment, energy, corruption and governing. But “Iraq today is a different country,” noted Linda Robinson in a recent essay in Foreign Affairs titled “Winning the Peace in Iraq: Don’t Give Up on Baghdad’s Fragile Democracy.” “Few Americans understand the remarkable success” that has been achieved in bringing Iraq back from the depth of the ISIS war.

This doesn’t mean that the original Iraq invasion was worth it or that we would do it again. But it does mean we found the right

way to help Iraqis help themselves. It is now up to them to make the most of it.

Once Iraq was liberated we tried to produce the same result in Syria using Syrian Kurdish fighters. We failed to make some important distinctio­ns, though. In Iraq, ISIS was the enemy of multisecta­rian democracy. In Syria, ISIS was the enemy of multisecta­rian democracy — and so were Russia, Shiite Iran, Shiite Hezbollah and the Shiite-alawite Bashar Assad regime. And they and ISIS all deser ved one another.

“If we defeat territoria­l ISIS in Syria now,” I wrote in 2017, “we will only reduce the pressure on Assad, Iran, Russia and Hezbollah and enable them to devote all their resources to crushing the last moderate rebels in Idlib, not sharing power with them.” And that’s basically what happened.

In taking responsibi­lity with the Kurds for defeating ISIS in Syria, we relieved Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and Assad of a huge burden, enabling them to crush the regime’s domestic rivals. And what’s really crazy is that we did it free! We didn’t even demand autonomy for our Syrian Kurdish allies or power-sharing with moderate Sunni Syrian rebels.

I feel terrible for the Kurds, but at least America might get the last laugh on Putin. Trump let Putin win Syria — and the indefinite task of propping up Assad’s genocidal regime and managing Iran’s attempts to use Syria as a platform to attack

Israel. What’s second prize?

But even if you argue that walking away from the Kurds in Syria was the right coldbloode­d, strategic thing to do, how a president does things matters. By just pulling out of Syria without advance planning or coordinati­on with our allies — and dumping the Syrian Kurds after they sacrificed 11,000 men and women in the fight against ISIS — we sent a message to every U.S. ally: “You’d better start making plans to take care of yourselves, because if Russia, China or Iran decides to come after you or bully you, America does not have your back — unless you’ve paid cash in advance.”

Watch out. Over time, that will not make for a more stable world or a cheaper U.S. foreign policy.

Finally, most everyone now understand­s (I certainly do) that we don’t have the time, patience, energy or know-how to create democracy in the Middle East. But what we can do and should do is amplify decency wherever we see it in hopes that the islands of decency there might one day connect up and f lower into democracy.

For instance, Iraqi Kurdistan and the Syrian Kurdish regions, while they have plenty of corruption and tribalism, are neverthele­ss islands of decency where women tend to be more empowered, Islam is practiced in more moderate forms and Western liberal education is promoted in American-style universiti­es. In just walking away from the Syrian Kurds, Trump has weakened their island of decency, rather than amplified it.

America is better than that, even if our current president is not.

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