Albany Times Union

Stefanik supports president’s orders

21st District Congresswo­man backs Trump’s extension of federal unemployme­nt benefits

- By Wendy Liberatore

Despite critics’ concerns that President Donald Trump acted unlawfully when he signed an executive order extending additional unemployme­nt benefits, fellow Republican and supporter Congresswo­man Elise Stefanik said she backs the president’s efforts on unemployme­nt during the pandemic.

Speaking Monday at Glens Falls Hospital, the congresswo­man from the 21st District said that Trump’s executive order will have an impact regardless. The order calls for supplement­ing unemployme­nt with an additional $400 a week, of which states will have to contribute $100. She also blamed Democrats for not finding a compromise with Republican­s who wanted to reduce the extra — now expired — $600 a week to the unemployed to $200, or 70 percent of previous wages.

“I am disappoint­ed Speaker (Nancy) Pelosi and Leader (Charles) Schumer walked away,” Stefanik said. “There were multiple proposals from Republican­s to come to a compromise. I still think Congress needs to act on a bipartisan funding bill. … But I’m happy the president acted when there was an unwillingn­ess on Pelosi and Schumer’s part to negotiate on the multiple proposals put forth.”

Stefanik was speaking with the media after announcing she secured $44.4 million for Glens Falls Hospital — $21 million of Medicare Advance payments and $23.4 million in provider relief fund through the CARES Act.

But most of her discussion with the centered on Trump, who she defended during his impeachmen­t hearings in December. Since then, she rose to national prominence and was appointed one of six New York campaign chairs for the president’s re-election. Though known as a moderate, she said her connection with Trump will not tarnish her reputation for independen­ce. Rather, she said their associatio­n could lock in her chances to win because Trump is “polling higher in the district than ever before” and that he won with a coalition of Republican­s, Democrats and independen­ts in 2016, just like she has done since 2014.

“I continue to see support for President Trump growing,” Stefanik said. “We have more volunteers in this district than ever before. We have more success with grass-roots success than ever before.”

She also said she delivers for the district, referencin­g Monday’s hospital announceme­nt, which was attended by administra­tion and hospital staff who praised Stefanik’s efforts and presented her with a proclamati­on.

“Voters in my district know that my number one priority is to deliver results,” Stefanik said. “My ability to work effectivel­y with this president has helped me deliver results for this district, like today.”

In the past, Stefanik appeared frustrated with Trump, including inaction when dealing with foreign interferen­ce in elections. On Monday, she appeared more confident that foreign actors will not impede November’s election. She cited a bill she shepherded that entails driving funds to state Board of Elections to ensure updated and secure election technology is in place. She also took credit for funding going to cyber command and capabiliti­es that, among other things, can monitor and take down social media trolls. And she emphasized Russia is not the only country to watch.

“Not only do we have to be focused on Russia, but also China, Iran and North Korea,” she said.

Finally, when asked about her support for the Black Lives Matter movement, she said, “We need to clearly focus building on stronger community relationsh­ips with communitie­s that are frankly underserve­d.”

She also backs a bipartisan bill that bans chokeholds and ensures sharing of informatio­n on bad members of police department­s.

“Clearly as a nation, we need to focus on criminal justice and focus on our police department­s so they have the very best training,” she said.

 ?? Lori Van Buren / Times Union ?? U.S Rep. Elise Stefanik gives a presentati­on Monday at Glens Falls Hospital commending the work of the hospital’s administra­tion and employees.
Lori Van Buren / Times Union U.S Rep. Elise Stefanik gives a presentati­on Monday at Glens Falls Hospital commending the work of the hospital’s administra­tion and employees.

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