Albany Times Union

Farmworker­s deserve basic COVID protection­s

- By Emma Kreyche ▶ Emma Kreyche is advocacy director for the Worker Justice Center of New York.

After suffering the worst COVID-19 outbreak in the nation, New Yorkers have been able to heave a collective sigh of relief in recent weeks as rates of new cases fell across the state.

Continued outbreaks among New York’s farmworker­s, however, show that it is too early to celebrate, and more action is needed to protect workers from the disease.

The first reported infections among New York farmworker­s began in April. The worst outbreak occurred in May, when 171 workers at Green Empire Farms in Oneida became infected with the virus. Since then, we have seen new, smaller outbreaks across the state.

Too many farmworker­s live in overcrowde­d, company-owned housing facilities, without proper sanitation or social distancing. COVID-19 outbreaks will continue if state leaders do not enact strong, enforceabl­e health and safety regulation­s and prohibit retaliatio­n against workers who speak up about unsafe working conditions.

Unlike businesses that are in the process of reopening, farms are not required to develop a COVID-19 safety plan until and unless a complaint is filed.

But as someone who advocates for farmworker­s, I know that complaints are rare among this workforce of mostly undocument­ed and temporary foreign guest workers who rely on their employers for access to seasonal work visas. Many are so worried about their immigratio­n status they often choose to stay silent about workplace hazards.

To prevent and control the spread of the coronaviru­s among farmworker­s, most agricultur­al employers will have to change how they operate and invest in improvemen­ts to worker housing facilities.

This will likely mean reduced production and higher costs. Some employers will not implement these changes voluntaril­y.

In May, Gov. Andrew Cuomo released interim guidance aimed at protecting New York’s farmworker­s from COVID-19. The guidance includes recommenda­tions for worksite and housing sanitation, personal protective equipment and quarantine and isolation.

While this was an important step, state lawmakers should guarantee farmworker safety through legislatio­n with requiremen­ts for providing PPE, physical distancing, notice of infection and quarantine housing. Recommenda­tions alone are not enough.

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