Albany Times Union

Trump’s political ‘vaporware’


The following is from a New York Daily News editorial:

On Thursday, President Donald Trump touted his supposed healthcare vision — including a long-promised executive order “protecting ” Americans from insurance companies discrimina­ting against customers with pre-existing conditions.

That protection is not only already afforded by the Affordable Care Act, it is arguably that legislatio­n’s core guarantee, and its most popular. Prior to Obamacare, insurance companies had the power to either block consumers with a pre-existing condition from buying health insurance, or to charge them outrageous premiums.

The most charitable interpreta­tion of Trump’s eleventh-hour scramble is that it ’s a political version of what Silicon Valley profession­als call “vaporware”: announcing a product that a company has no plans to actually deliver, to upend a rival that might be working on something real.

In this case, Trump’s executive order does nothing but make it look like Trump is taking action to fix a non-existent problem.

Obscenely, the problem the president claims to want to fix, with no concrete plans to do so, will only exist if the Supreme Court strikes down the ACA — which is precisely what the Trump administra­tion urges, having failed to “repeal and replace” (there was never any viable replacemen­t) in Congress in 2017. Indeed, the likelihood of that dire outcome becomes far more likely if Trump is successful in getting his Ruth Bader Ginsburg replacemen­t confirmed to the high court by Nov. 10, when the case is scheduled to be heard.

One hand taketh away, one hand pretends to giveth, while actually using sleight of hand. It ’s a trick only Trump has the gall to perform.

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