Albany Times Union

Health Beat


Irecently chatted with a fellow I’ve known for years. He is a local businessma­n whose work puts him in contact with a wide array of people. Like many, he’s tired of talking about coronaviru­s, but recognizes the need to stay alert. In short, he, like so many, are fighting coronaviru­s burnout. We’re tired of it all. We don’t like having to weigh each social decision. Is it or isn’t it safe? Will an evening with friends expose us to coronaviru­s? How safe are our children in school? But now is not the time to let down our guard. As we move into the winter months, we’ll all be inside, spending more time in close contact with others. Our outside dining choices may narrow. And flu is lurking. If we’ve learned anything from folks living south of the equator, it’s that with continued protection and flu vaccine, we can keep that disease at bay. It was a light flu season in the southern hemisphere and precaution­s against coronaviru­s are credited. The experience there usually predicts what we’ll experience in the northern hemisphere. So take the admonition­s to get the flu shot seriously. It’s another weapon in the fight against illness. Even if it’s not a perfect match for the strain that circulates, it can lessen the severity of the illness if you do come down with flu. And as for telling flu and coronaviru­s apart, well that’s tricky, as symptoms overlap. Bottom line, when in doubt, call your doctor, especially if you experience shortness of breath. Meantime, keep those masks on, covering both your nose and mouth, and wash your hands.

Benita Zahn, Dps-bioethics

518 -207- 4820 / benitazahn benitatv13

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