Albany Times Union


- By Madalyn Aslan

he stars show the kind of day you’ll have: 5-dynamic; 4positive; 3-average; 2-so-so; 1-difficult


Curious, knowledgea­ble and perfection­ist, you’re an expert in ferreting out the truth. You impress people, and this year, you outdo even yourself with the recognitio­n you receive. Finances are also good.

The stars show the kind of day you’ll have: 5-dynamic; 4positive; 3-average; 2-so-so; 1-difficult

ARIES (March 21-April 19)

♈ ★★★ Delays and changes are likely to test your patience. You might handle the morning with more calmness and equanimity than is usual for you. Proceed cautiously with personal plans. The adventurer in you is awakened as the day draws to a close. Tonight: Relax.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

♉ ★★★ A powerful new friendship or group affiliatio­n is formed. One word of caution: You might attract a powerful new friend in the form of a ruthless and manipulati­ve individual out for his or her own gain. Avoid power struggles. Tonight: A blitz of online networking.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

♊ ★★★★ Exciting, new work-related opportunit­ies come your way. There is a possible mix of social life and work; you might be attending (remotely) an important business function. Dealings with co-workers should be relatively pleasant. Tonight: Adjusting to changes in your work schedule.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

♋ ★★★ Today brings a time of restlessne­ss when energies might be scattered in many directions. Don’t make permanent decisions today, although singles might meet someone with marital potential. Wait a few days before proceeding forward. Tonight: Take a long, soothing bath.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

♌ ★★★ Partnershi­ps (and you personally) seem on an uneven keel. Know that this is short-lived. Those of you involved in sports certainly have the edge. You will have to take the initiative today. Beware of possessive­ness. Tonight: No one can make up their mind.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.

22) ♍ ★★★★ You make a favorable impression. A new friendship could be found with a fiery, communicat­ive person. He or she is likely to share a similar outlook on life; each of you could learn a lot from each other. Tonight: Stay out of others’ relationsh­ip battles.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

♎ ★★★ If working, expect blocks and delays. Don’t be surprised if co-workers seem out of sorts. Skip domestic or career decision-making; any decision made will be subject to change. Besides this, you will find you don’t have all the facts. Tonight: Hearing from a longlost friend.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

♏ ★★★★ Today brings increased responsibi­lities involving children — or romance with someone older. Commitment­s made could be lasting. There’ll be no sitting on the sidelines. For the most part, you’ll be able to charmingly navigate your way out of any difficulti­es. Tonight: Early bedtime.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22Dec. 21)

♐ ★★★★ Business might be combined with pleasure now. However, you might feel that some personal sacrifice is necessary in order to get ahead. Tonight: Remote Zooming.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22Jan. 19)

♑ ★★★ Today emphasizes a continuing need for cooperatio­n with co-workers, who might be undergoing their own personal crises. Be careful of mixing romance with work, as jealousy could bring upset and disharmony. Tonight: Overdue phone calls and emails.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

♒ ★★★★ Hold onto any extra money that comes your way. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself feeling quite feisty today. But remember that impatience and argumentat­iveness will bring only discord. Tonight: Cooperatio­n will be more easily achieved, and balance regained.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

♓ ★★★★★ Endeavors begun today could turn out to be long-term and secure, as well as bringing future opportunit­ies. You have the green light to follow up on ideas and discussion­s that have been put on the back burner. Tonight: Celebratin­g with joy

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