Albany Times Union


- By Madalyn Aslan Find more Madalyn Aslan horoscopes at http://madalynasl­

HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Socially aware, attractive and intense, you’re expansive and don’t like to be pigeonhole­d. You love your spirit to soar and are the best in your field due to talent and hard work. This year is a happy, contented success. If single, you are so tasteful only a certain kind of person attracts; you must search. If attached, you’re a devoted partner and your love grows deeper.

The stars show the day you’ll have: 5-dynamic; 4-positive; 3-average; 2-so-so; 1-difficult

ARIES (March 21-April 19)

♈ ★★★ You’ll be asking the opinion of others on a group matter. However, you might not feel like listening. You feel pulled in all directions at once. Don’t let that Aries temper carry you away. Tonight: You find better outlets for your energy.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

♉ ★★★ Today gives you a second chance to deal with confidenti­al or personal issues that have been prominent in your life. Be sure to get enough rest and take breaks to prevent burnout due to stress from either relationsh­ips or work situations. Tonight: Journaling.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

♊ ★★★★ Disputes with a loved one can be resolved through the mediation of friends. Your direction might have to be revamped. A new hobby or form of creative expression can become very important to you. Tonight: Relaxing with a few friends, socially distanced.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

♋ ★★★★ You might have felt a bit under the gun regarding recent work matters, and today you can take a break. Some form of relaxation — be it yoga, listening to music or escaping to the movies— could really help. Tonight: Let the relaxation continue!

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

♌ ★★★ Students might find it difficult to study today. Those not taking courses might find themselves searching within for their true path in life and feeling particular­ly confused and changeable. This is a signal of personal changes to come. Tonight: Invitation to a land far away.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

♍ ★★★★★ You experience luck through your partner today, with whom you may be in business or making some other large investment. Opportunit­ies to improve your sex life are rife, and you might go a bit overboard indulging. Tonight: Enjoy.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

♎ ★★★★ You find yourself daydreamin­g about someone. Have alternate social plans made in case of change, which is more than likely to occur today. Associates can’t seem to make up their minds. Tonight: A fun, talkative date night.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

♏ ★★★ Partners are apt to exhibit jealous and demanding behavior, and stubborn arguments might arise. Unexpected changes of plans and various obstacles are likely, so have alternate plans and remain flexible. There is energetic cooperatio­n with friends. Tonight: Unexpected­ly will stay in.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22Dec. 21)

♐ ★★★★★ You just might meet the love of your life at a neighborho­od party or through friends. Sparks will fly, or should I say, "fly again," as some of you might become reacquaint­ed with a former love interest. A child demands your attention. Tonight: Happy socializin­g.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

♑ ★★★ Watch out for intense power struggles or confrontat­ions with others in your personal life. Don’t go looking for trouble. You might be redecorati­ng or having company visit from out of town. Tonight: Prepare a nicely cooked meal from your favorite recipe.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

♒ ★★★ Short trips and communicat­ion are highlighte­d. There will be many neighborho­od activities and local doings. Most of it will be pleasant enough, but beware arguments. You feel exceptiona­lly restless, but don’t venture too far into the unknown. Tonight: Be careful on the roads.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

♓ ★★★★★ Although today looks promising for outings with the kids, things could go awry in your personal relationsh­ips. But the answers to certain personal problems finally become clear, and plans are able to move forward. Tonight: A relative returns to the fold.

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