Albany Times Union

For children, immigratio­n enforcemen­t can leave scars

- By Joanna Dreby Joanna Dreby is an associate professor of sociology at the University at Albany.

In 2020, the U.S government deported 164,455 people. Remy Espinoza, formerly of Amsterdam, is one of them.

Remy, as the Times Union reported, was moved between detention facilities, where he contracted and grew weak from COVID before being sent to Nicaragua, a place he left 34 years ago, at age 18, seeking political asylum. Remy’s U.S. citizen wife — a local social worker and therapist — lost a husband; his children were denied the right to live with their father.

It is easy to blame President Donald Trump for such injustices, with his anti-immigrant talk, support for border policies separating families, and attacks on the constituti­onal right of birthright citizenshi­p. But on the eve of a Joe Biden presidency, we must remember: Despite a gentler rhetoric, the Barack ObamaBiden administra­tion deported more than 3 million individual­s, and George W. Bush over 2 million. Together, that totals at least 5 million people — many parents like Remy — removed between 2000 and 2016.

Psychologi­sts know that adverse childhood experience­s can cause longstandi­ng effects and trauma well into adulthood. I have wanted to know if enforcemen­t actions do too. For two years, I have interviewe­d young adults—57 so far — all U.S. citizens and New Yorkers raised in New York City or upstate, exposed to immigratio­n enforcemen­t as children.

I’ve learned that enforcemen­t actions are not equal in impact. Those reporting longstandi­ng

trauma share certain characteri­stics.

First, they often directly witnessed the enforcemen­t action. A 25-year-old, for example, spoke of uncontroll­ed shaking and tears when encounteri­ng police, a bodily re-living of the trauma of a police car ride with her parents, taken to an immigratio­n office where she watched them fingerprin­ted, at age 7.

Second, they became involved in the aftermath of enforcemen­t. They translated at lawyers’ appointmen­ts or wrote letters for parents’ cases about possible devastatin­g losses, commonly included in petitions arguing for waivers of deportatio­n. Due to such stress, some entered therapy; others sought medication for anxiety.

Third, they experience­d severe disruption­s to their daily lives: economic problems, multiple moves or divorce. Enforcemen­t builds into other forms of family instabilit­y.

Fourth, those who spoke of the deepest losses and trauma all had parents — not other relatives or friends — targeted for enforcemen­t.

These stories show that enforcemen­t without legalizati­on pathways is bad public policy. Family separation­s hurt people. Fears of separation can be just as harmful. Yet interviews also reveal ways enforcemen­t can be more — or less — humane.

Biden, elected officials in the Legislatur­e: Listen up.

First, government­al agencies should not arrest or detain parents for immigratio­n violations, especially in front of children. Parents should remain home until their cases resolve. They are not flight risks; children tie them to communitie­s.

Second, parents of U.S. citizens should be eligible for waivers of deportatio­n on the assumption that separation in and of itself causes hardship. Currently, the bar to prove hardship is unduly high, often arbitraril­y applied, requiring children themselves plead cases. A parental deportatio­n alone violates U.S. citizens’ rights to the pursuit of happiness by living in a stable family.

Third, funding must shift from enforcemen­t to the courts, to resolve immigratio­n cases more quickly. The longer cases unfold, the more disruptive and involved children become, the more likely trauma results. Alone, each measure is not enough; together they can better protect children.

In the wake of November’s election, Trump’s xenophobic rhetoric will likely dissipate. This is big. Many young adults spoke about heightened anxieties in 2016. They just voted. Elections matter. Yet a change in rhetoric is insufficie­nt. Biden must do better than Bush, Obama and Trump. He must implement immigratio­n policies that protect, not violate, the rights of children of immigrants.

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