Albany Times Union

Pandemic proves we need to teach more science


One has to wonder whether this reticence in the use of face masks and misgivings in lining up for vaccinatio­ns has anything to do with a lack of knowledge in basic biology. A coupling of political ideology and the notion of personal liberty with an unthinking and deadly bit of genetic material has all the hallmarks of idiocy.

If a Democrat and a Republican were standing at the edge of the sea where several man-eating sharks had been seen by a marine biologist gobbling up fellow beach-goers, would our beach-goers necessaril­y ask what the political affiliatio­n of that particular biologist was? Particular­ly when there was still blood in the water?

A dear friend of mine, a staunch Republican and one of the redoubtabl­e Rush Limbaugh's biggest fans, asked whether I thought COVID-19 was being blown out of proportion in the media. I replied, yes; after all, it's only been a half-million people who have died and left countless families in mourning.

Could a more comprehens­ive course in biology in schools and universiti­es help to erase this blissful ignorance?

On the brink of coming out of this disaster, some states are moving ahead to lift all restrictio­ns. If the virus were a thinking organism, it could not be happier with such welcome news.

As it is, it has no knowledge, no feelings and no cogent plans; something it may have in common with some of our political leaders and the people whom they claim to represent. James S. Reagan


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