Albany Times Union

European nations halt Astrazenec­a vaccine use

Reports of blood clots prompt move, expert review

- By Frank Jordans

A cascading number of European countries — including Germany, France, Italy and Spain — suspended use of Astrazenec­a’s COVID -19 vaccine Monday over reports of dangerous blood clots in some recipients, though the company and internatio­nal regulators say there is no evidence the shot is to blame.

Astrazenec­a’s formula is one of three vaccines in use on the continent. But the escalating concern is another setback for the European Union’s vaccinatio­n drive, which has been plagued by shortages and other hurdles and is lagging behind campaigns in Britain and the U.S.

The EU’S drug regulatory agency called a meeting for Thursday to review experts’ findings on the Astrazenec­a shot and decide whether action needs to be taken.

The furor comes as much of Europe is tightening restrictio­ns on schools and businesses amid surging cases of COVID -19.

Germany’s health minister said the decision to suspend shots was taken on the advice of the country’s vaccine regulator, the Paul Ehrlich Institute, which called for further investigat­ion into seven cases of clots in the brains of people who had been vaccinated.

“Today’s decision is a purely precaution­ary measure,” Jens Spahn said.

French President Emmanuel Macron said his country will stop dispensing the vaccine until at least Tuesday. Italy also announced a temporary ban, as did Spain, Portugal and Slovenia.

Other countries that have done so over the past few days include Denmark, as well as Ireland, Thailand, the Netherland­s, Norway, Iceland, Congo and Bulgaria. Canada and Britain are standing by the vaccine for now.

Astrazenec­a said there have been 37 reports of blood clots out of more than 17 million people vaccinated in the 27-country EU and Britain. The drugmaker said there is no evidence the vaccine carries an increased risk of clots.

 ?? Alessandro Grassani / New York Times ?? A woman receives the Astrazenec­a vaccine at a drive-through facility in Milan on Monday.
Alessandro Grassani / New York Times A woman receives the Astrazenec­a vaccine at a drive-through facility in Milan on Monday.

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