Albany Times Union

Pope: Priests cannot bless same-sex unions

Vatican missive says they are “not ordered to the Creator’s plan”

- By Chico Harlan and Sarah Pulliam Bailey Rome

Vatican won’t bless same-sex unions, calls them “sin.”

Pope Francis has invited LGBT advocates to the Vatican. He has spoken warmly about the place of gays in the church. He has called for national laws for same-sex civil unions.

But Monday, Francis definitive­ly signaled the limits to his reformist intentions, signing off on a Vatican decree that reaffirms old church teaching and bars priests from blessing same-sex unions.

The pronouncem­ent, issued at a time when some clerics were interested in performing such blessings, leans on the kind of language that LGBT Catholics have long found alienating — and that they had hoped Francis might change. It says that same-sex unions are “not ordered to the Creator’s plan.” It says acknowledg­ing those unions is “illicit.” It says that God “cannot bless sin.”

The decree shows how Francis, rather than revolution­izing the church’s stance toward gays, has taken a far more complicate­d approach, speaking in welcoming terms while maintainin­g the official teaching. That leaves gay Catholics wondering about their place within the faith, when the catechism calls homosexual acts “disordered” but the pontiff says, “Who am I to judge?”

Francis “has extended a warmer welcome than any of his predecesso­rs have done,” said Patrick Hornbeck, a Fordham University professor of theology who is gay, married and Episcopali­an. “But today’s statement shows that his hospitalit­y has limits.”

Few who have carefully followed Francis’ words expected him to dramatical­ly alter the church’s stance on LGBT matters. Many times, he has stated his opposition to same-sex marriage. Officially, the church says that sex should be between a man and a woman, for the purpose of procreatio­n. Changing any part of that would also prompt a reconsider­ation of other church positions, whether on gender or contracept­ion.

Though the Vatican did not specify what prompted the decree, it was written in response to existing doctrinal questions. Some Vatican watchers speculated that the church might be responding directly to bishops in Germany, who are in the middle of a multiyear series of meetings — to the alarm of conservati­ves — aimed at reevaluati­ng major aspects of the church, including sexuality and the role of women.

In a 2019 interview with The Washington Post, Bishop Franz-josef Bode, the deputy chairman of the German bishops’ conference, said that although he could not bless samesex unions — “that would not be approved by Rome,” he said — he didn’t object if priests wanted to be with couples in a civil ceremony outside the church.

“I like to give the priests freedom to decide themselves,” Bode said.

Monday’s note referred vaguely to proposals to bless same-sex unions “being advanced” in some quarters.

But the church’s doctrinal body, the Congregati­on for the Doctrine of the Faith, said blessings can only be invoked on a relationsh­ip when it is “positively ordered to receive and express grace.”

In some issues of controvers­y, Francis has left decision-making up to local churches, comfortabl­e with policy that varies from country to country or even parish to parish. But in this case, Francis took the opposite approach — one that will put pressure on liberal clerics to fall in line.

Chad Pecknold, a conservati­ve theologian at Catholic University, said Francis was following in the mold of Pope Paul VI, who had seemed open to doctrinal change on sexual morality but then issued a 1968 edict reiteratin­g the church’s ban on artificial birth control.

 ?? Andrew Medichini / Associated Press ?? Pope Francis celebrates a Mass in February in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican. The Vatican decreed Monday that the Catholic Church cannot bless same-sex unions since God “cannot bless sin.”
Andrew Medichini / Associated Press Pope Francis celebrates a Mass in February in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican. The Vatican decreed Monday that the Catholic Church cannot bless same-sex unions since God “cannot bless sin.”

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