Albany Times Union

Losses mount from grounded ship

150 vessels backed up due to cargo ship stuck in Egypt’s Suez Canal

- By Jon Gambrill, Samy Magdy

Dredgers, tugboats and even a backhoe failed to free a giant cargo ship wedged in Egypt’s Suez Canal on Thursday. More than 150 vessels are now backed up, with hundreds more headed to the vital waterway, and losses to global shipping are mounting.

The skyscraper-sized Ever Given, carrying cargo between Asia and Europe, ran aground Tuesday in the narrow, manmade canal dividing continenta­l Africa from the Sinai Peninsula. Even helped by high tides, authoritie­s have been unable to push the Panama-flagged container vessel aside, and they are looking for new ideas to free it.

In a sign of the turmoil the blockage has caused, the ship’s Japanese owner even offered a written apology.

“We are determined to keep on working hard to resolve this situation as soon as possible,” Shoei Kisen Kaisha Ltd. said. “We would like to apologize to all parties affected by this incident, including the ships travelling and planning to travel through Suez Canal.”

As efforts to free it resumed at daylight Thursday, an Egyptian canal authority official said workers hoped to avoid offloading containers from the vessel as it would take days to do so and extend the closure. The official spoke on condition of anonymity as he wasn’t authorized to talk to journalist­s.

So far, dredgers have tried to clear silt around the massive ship. Tug boats nudged the vessel alongside it, trying to gain momentum. From the shore, at least one backhoe dug into the canal’s sandy banks, suggesting the bow of the ship had plowed into it. However, satellite photos taken Thursday and analyzed by The Associated Press showed the vessel still stuck in the same location.

The vessel remained stuck as of Thursday night despite “continuous” efforts to refloat it, according to canal service provider Leth Agencies.

Lt. Gen. Osama Rabei, the head of the canal authority, said navigation through the waterway would remain halted until the Ever Given is refloated. A team from Boskalis, a Dutch

firm specialize­d in salvaging, arrived at the canal Thursday, although one of its top officials warned removing the vessel could take “days to weeks.“

A team from the Boskalis subsidiary SMIT “spent the day doing inspection­s and doing calculatio­ns to assess the state of the vessel and a plan on how to refloat the vessel,” spokesman Martijn Schuttevae­r told the AP. He did not offer a time frame.

The Suez Canal Authority said one idea the team discussed was scraping the bottom of the canal around the ship.

Boskalis chairman Peter Berdowski on Wednesday described the ship as “a very heavy whale on the beach.”

“The ship, with the weight it now has, can’t really be pulled free. You can forget it,” he told the Dutch current affairs program “Nieuwsuur.”

Bernhard Schulte Shipmanage­ment, the company that manages the Ever Given, said its 25-member crew was safe and accounted for. Shoei Kisen Kaisha said all the crew came from India.

The ship had two pilots from Egypt’s canal authority aboard the vessel to guide it when the grounding happened around

7:45 a.m. Tuesday, Bernhard Schulte Shipmanage­ment said.

Canal service provider Leth Agencies said at least 150 ships were waiting for the Ever Given to be cleared, including vessels near Port Said on the Mediterran­ean Sea, Port Suez on the Red Sea and those already stuck in the canal system on Egypt’s Great Bitter Lake.

Cargo ships already behind the Ever Given in the canal will be reversed south back to Port Suez to free the channel, Leth Agencies said. Authoritie­s hope to do the same to the Ever Given when they can free it.

But many more ships already are en route to the canal.

Using data from Automatic Identifica­tion System trackers on ships at sea, data firm Refinitiv shared an analysis with the AP showing over 300 ships remained on the way to the waterway over the next two weeks. Some vessels could still change course, but the crush of ships listing the Suez Canal as their destinatio­n shows an evengreate­r backlog looms for shippers already under pressure amid the coronaviru­s pandemic.

“Blocking something like the Suez Canal really sets in motion a number of dominos toppling

each other over,” said Lars Jensen, chief executive of Denmarkbas­ed Seaintelli­gence Consulting. “The effect is not only going to be the simple, immediate one with cargo being delayed over the next few weeks, but will actually have repercussi­ons several months down the line for the supply chain.”

Evergreen Marine Corp., a major Taiwan-based shipping company that operates the ship, said the Ever Given had been overcome by strong winds as it entered the canal, something Egyptian officials earlier said as well. High winds and a sandstorm plagued the area Tuesday, with winds gusting to 30 mph.

An initial report suggested the ship suffered a power blackout before the incident, something Bernhard Schulte Shipmanage­ment denied.

“Initial investigat­ions rule out any mechanical or engine failure as a cause of the grounding,” the company said.

In Japan, Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato told reporters the Suez Canal is part of a crucial internatio­nal sea lane, and that the Japanese government was gathering informatio­n and working with local authoritie­s.

 ?? Associated Press ?? A backhoe tries Thursday to dig out the keel of the Ever Given, a cargo ship that is wedged across the Suez Canal.
Associated Press A backhoe tries Thursday to dig out the keel of the Ever Given, a cargo ship that is wedged across the Suez Canal.

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