Albany Times Union

Democrats should use their majority


Democrats should seek common ground with Republican­s. However, they should also remember the following two statements by Senate Minority Leader Mitch Mcconnell.

In 2016, when President Barack Obama nominated Merrick Garland for Supreme Court in an election year, Mcconnell said any nomination by the sitting president was null and void. The next Supreme Court justice would be chosen by the next president.

In 2020, Mcconnell said the following after reneging on his 2016 statement: “The reason we were able to do what we did in 2016, 2018 and 2020

is because we had the majority. No rules were broken whatsoever.”

According to Mcconnell, politics is all about having the majority and thus the power. The $1.9 trillion COVID -19 relief bill passed without a single Republican vote. The Democrats used their power just as Mcconnell suggested and no rules were broken.

Recently, Mcconnell threatened a “scorchedea­rth Senate” if the Democrats should try to change current rules regarding the filibuster. In this context, the Democrats should simply follow Mcconnell’s dictum and use their majority to accomplish their goals.

During Obama’s tenure as president, Mcconnell continuall­y blocked Democratic initiative­s because he had the majority.

Now, Democrats have the majority and they should exercise their right to pass legislatio­n without Republican approval.

The Republican­s will surely complain, but the Democrats are simply following Mcconnell’s lead.

Don Steiner Schenectad­y

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