Albany Times Union

Source: Emanuel ambassador pick

Ex- Chicago mayor may serve in Japan

- By Michael Balsamo and Aamer Madhani

President Joe Biden is expected to nominate former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel to serve as the U.S. ambassador to Japan, according to a person familiar with the president’s decision.

The person, who was not authorized to comment publicly about the matter and spoke on condition of anonymity Tuesday, said the White House plans to announce Emanuel’s nomination later this month.

Emanuel is a former three-term congressma­n who served as Barack Obama’s first White House chief of staff and was a senior adviser in Bill Clinton’s administra­tion. Biden had considered naming Emanuel to serve as his transporta­tion secretary but ultimately passed him over in the face of fierce opposition from some in the liberal wing of the Democratic Party.

The White House declined to comment and stressed that no nomination is final until formally announced.

In selecting Emanuel to serve as his chief envoy to Japan, Biden will reward an informal adviser to his campaign and a significan­t force in Democratic Party politics for much of the past three decades with one of the highest-profile ambassador­ial roles.

Emanuel, if confirmed by the Senate, could be in place in Tokyo ahead of the Summer Olympics. He also would head to Japan at a moment when Biden wants to increase focus on the Indo-pacific.

The pick of Emanuel could rankle some in the progressiv­e wing of the Democratic Party. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-cortez of New York, in particular, has criticized his handling of the high-profile shooting death of Laquan Mcdonald, a Black teenager, by a white police officer during Emanuel’s time as Chicago’s mayor.

 ?? Matt Marton / AP ?? Rahm Emanuel is reported to be President Joe Biden’s pick for ambassador to Japan.
Matt Marton / AP Rahm Emanuel is reported to be President Joe Biden’s pick for ambassador to Japan.

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