Albany Times Union

Electric cars are not exactly Earth-friendly


Yippee, electric cars. It is not as though fossil fuels will be used in the production of the batteries of electric cars. It’s not as if the disposal and/or recycling of batteries would create any pollution or health risk. The environmen­t will be better off. Right? Oh, and electric cars will be cheaper to fix. Yes?

Charging an electric car takes the same amount of time as filling a tank with gas. And all the power and apparatus to charge all those electric cars won’t have any effect on the economy or environmen­t. Right?

I know: We will charge all those cars with wind turbines and solar panels. There aren’t any hazards or environmen­tal fallout from those things. Wind turbines look nice. We can put them all over the countrysid­e next to all the solar panels where farms used to be. We won’t need farms. Will we? Oh, and food will cost less with all that cheap, renewable energy.

Won’t it be great to have a smaller carbon footprint? The Earth will be a cleaner, safer, more efficient place.

David Pace


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