Albany Times Union

Expand women’s health, rights

- By Georgana Hanson ► Georgana Hanson of Saratoga Springs is interim president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Empire State Acts.

Last year was the worst since 1973 for abortion rights and access. On this 49th anniversar­y of the decision in Roe v. Wade, and the third anniversar­y of New York’s passage of the Reproducti­ve Health Act, which modernized the state’s abortion laws , this country is under siege from a vocal minority determined to limit your reproducti­ve health and rights.

In 2022, the landscape on abortion in this country is poised to radically change. In states like Texas and Mississipp­i, unconstitu­tional and unconscion­able restrictio­ns have made their way to the Supreme Court, where our reproducti­ve health, rights and freedoms could have the clock rolled back 50 years. Let’s be clear — these bans and restrictio­ns on abortion and reproducti­ve health care are deeply rooted in misogyny, white supremacy and political control.

Despite the onslaught of attacks, poll after poll continues to show that more than seven in 10 Americans support legal abortion. But if Roe falls, 26 states could move to ban abortion, creating an untenable and grossly inequitabl­e gradient of care availabili­ty across the United States. The result? Thirty-six million individual­s — nearly half of whom are of reproducti­ve age — could lose access to health care. New York, along with states like California and Illinois, are becoming “access states” — where individual­s seek health care when it is inaccessib­le in their own state.

A right means nothing without meaningful access. Even in New York, a state that legalized abortion in 1970 (three years before Roe v. Wade), comprehens­ive sexual and reproducti­ve health care can be out of reach. Barriers like affordabil­ity, lack of transporta­tion, availabili­ty of child care, time off from work and provider availabili­ty can limit individual’s abilities to control their reproducti­ve health.

Gov. Kathy Hochul has outlined several proposals designed to break down some of these barriers, such as advancing equality in our state constituti­on, strengthen­ing insurance coverage for abortion, and investing in the providers who are critical to making the right to sexual and reproducti­ve health care a reality. Funding for providers of reproducti­ve health services has failed to increase in the last decade, despite the rising costs of delivering this vital health care. If New York providers are to meet the needs of patients today and prepare for the increased needs of tomorrow that have come with the unraveling of abortion rights around the country, state leaders must act.

New York has a proud legacy of protecting and advancing reproducti­ve health and rights that our current state leaders must build upon. The Reproducti­ve Health Act leveled our state law with Roe, but it was not a finish line. New York’s Legislatur­e must meet the urgency of this moment and advance measures to protect and expand reproducti­ve health and rights – and it must happen this legislativ­e session.

Despite the onslaught of attacks, poll after poll continues to show that more than seven in 10 Americans support legal abortion. But if Roe falls, 26 states could move to ban abortion, creating an untenable and grossly inequitabl­e gradient of care availabili­ty across the United States.

 ?? Photo Illustrati­on by Tyswan Stewart / Times Union ??
Photo Illustrati­on by Tyswan Stewart / Times Union

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