Albany Times Union

Put Build Back Better on pause and do the math

- By John J. Faso ▶ John J. Faso, of Kinderhook, is a former member of Congress and minority leader of the state Assembly.

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.VA., just did the nation a big favor when he slammed the brakes on President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better spending plan.

Proponents argue that their proposals for free day care, $300 monthly payments per child, lower cost prescripti­on drugs and measures to address climate change are popular with the American people. When people are told something is free it is sure to be popular. But that opinion would undoubtedl­y change if the American people were told how much those free things will truly cost.

The Biden administra­tion and congressio­nal Democrats are not being honest about Build Back Better. They are intentiona­lly hiding the price tag. The plan before the U.S. Senate is billed as costing $1.75 trillion over 10 years. According to the Committee for a Responsibl­e Federal Budget, if all Build Back Better programs were in place over the next 10 years, the real cost is almost $5 trillion.

The enhanced child tax credits alone, initially adopted in March, distribute $300 per month per child and would annually cost more than $1.2 trillion. But Build Back Better assumes that the program will only last a single year to make it fit under congressio­nal budget reconcilia­tion rules.

The plan is littered with such financial shenanigan­s.

Everyone knows that once enacted, a spending program rarely ends. Where will the money come from to permanentl­y fund these programs? Democrats won’t say.

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, Congress — first under former President Donald Trump and lately under Biden — has provided more than $5.7 trillion to the economy. Federal cash flowed to prop up businesses, families, state and local government­s, school districts, higher education, transit agencies and a host of other entities. The Federal Reserve has injected an additional $4 trillion in monetary liquidity, purchasing government bonds and mortgage-backed securities.

Much of the government response was necessary, keeping families and businesses afloat during a worldwide pandemic. However, the fiscal and monetary stimulus has unleashed the highest inflation rate — 7 percent — since 1982. Biden economic advisers and the Federal Reserve assured us that inflation was transitory. They’re no longer saying that. In fact, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell recently said it was “time to retire that word.”

Senator Manchin has been warning for months that he feared such spending was spurring a dangerous inflationa­ry spiral. He urged that Biden and Democrats pause Build Back Better until much later in 2022, allowing Congress to assess economic conditions.

While both parties have utilized budget reconcilia­tion to avoid Senate filibuster­s and pass legislatio­n on a partisan basis, Build Back Better is unpreceden­ted in its use of fiscal chicanery to conceal true costs.

The plan is also audacious in its ambitions to expand the role of government. Child tax credits would no longer require a parent to work to qualify and undocument­ed children are eligible, creating yet another incentive for illegal immigratio­n into the United States. Special interest provisions are added for unions, trial lawyers and other favored progressiv­e constituen­cies.

BBB would put us on a path of unsustaina­ble deficits burdening future generation­s with dangerous levels of spending and debt, requiring higher taxes on everyone to service such debt. A Penn Wharton study suggests the plan alone would increase the national debt by a whopping 24 percent by 2050.

Internatio­nal rivals — particular­ly China — will surely take advantage of a U.S. budget crisis as they seek to undermine confidence in democratic systems. A financiall­y stressed America will also be less able to deal with unexpected crises at home and abroad. If COVID has taught us anything, it is that we need to prepare for the unexpected.

Democrats should take Joe Manchin’s advice and hit the pause button on Build Back Better.

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