Albany Times Union

In Pennsylvan­ia, indulging in a dangerous delusion


Under rainy skies last Thursday evening in Greensburg, several Pennsylvan­ia politician­s continued to indulge the delusion that Donald Trump won the 2020 election.

U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly of Butler, wearing an American-flag print polo shirt, called the election “the greatest theft in American history.” Jim Bognet, a candidate for the 8th Congressio­nal District near Scranton, claimed that he was personally robbed of victory in 2020 when his 10,000vote lead evaporated. And Stacy Garrity, the current treasurer of the Commonweal­th of Pennsylvan­ia, said of the defeated 45th president, “We know that he won.”

No, we don’t. We know he lost. It was an embarrassi­ng spectacle at Trump’s rally as these influentia­l leaders groveled to remain in his good graces. But lying about the election is more than that: It nurtures a delusion that threatens the very foundation­s of the American political system.

Orderly transition­s of power are one of the most important — and most challengin­g — tests of a political system. Many people have believed in democracy until they lost. Disputes about who is rightfully in charge have initiated some of the most destructiv­e conflicts in history. In fact, they are one of the primary causes of the weakening and collapse of great empires, from the ancient world to the modern age.

This is why one of the most dangerous moments in American history occurred in 1800, when Thomas Jefferson of the Democratic-republican­s defeated incumbent John Adams of the Federalist­s. It was the first transition of power from one faction to another and could have broken the young republic. Jefferson assumed power without major incident. We are still here as a nation because the losers accepted losing.

Every time politician­s — especially sitting officials — endorse the stolen-election fantasy, they damage their own credibilit­y. But they also, ironically, undermine the political future of Trump himself, whose unseemly obsession with 2020 is not shared by the electorate he desires to woo one more time.

Worse, when sitting political officials like Kelly and Garrity question who the rightful president is, they undermine a great and necessary American tradition. And they lay the foundation for every election to result in Jan. 6th-style tumult.

But most importantl­y, they blast out one of the largest pieces of the foundation of the American republic.

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