Albany Times Union



Take this Super Quiz to a PH.D. Score 1 point for each correct answer on the freshman level, 2 points on the graduate level and 3 points on the PH.D. level.


(e.g., Don Lemon joined this cable news network in 200 6. Answer: CNN.)


1. This ship carried the first permanent settlers of New England from the Old World. 2. What or who were Laura, Katrina and Ida? 3. Maui is the second largest of these islands. 4. What color are the Smurfs?

5. What does the song title tell you to tie “round the ole oak tree”?


6. Who was the Native American friend of the Lone Ranger? 7. This legendary railroad worker was a “steel-driving man.” 8. Who starred in the 1934 film “Little Miss Marker”? 9. This fictional lumberjack had Babe the Blue Ox as a companion. 10. During what battle did Davy Crockett die?


11. By what name is pioneer nurseryman John Chapman widely known? 12. “The Last of the Mohicans” is the second volume of these “Tales.” 13. What nickname was given to the frigate USS Constituti­on? 14. “Champ” is the name given to a reputed monster living in this lake. 15. What special name is given to the Monday after the Super Bowl?


1. Mayflower. 2. Hurricanes. 3. Hawaiian Islands. 4. Blue. 5. A Yellow Ribbon. 6. Tonto. 7. John Henry. 8. Shirley Temple. 9. Paul Bunyan. 10. Battle of the Alamo. 11. Johnny Appleseed. 12. “Leathersto­cking Tales.” 13. “Old Ironsides.” 14. Lake Champlain. 15. National Football Hangover Day or Super Sick Monday.

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