Albany Times Union

All-electric Building Act a key opportunit­y


Michelle Hook, executive director of New Yorkers for Affordable Energy, is following the axiom “Never let a good crisis go to waste” when she blames the rise in natural gas prices partly on the denial of proposed pipelines (“Temperatur­es rise, energy costs follow,” May 14). Her implicatio­n

is that all would be well if more gas were flowing.

But the mounting evidence of flood, fire and famine brought on by climate change tells us that the greenhouse-gas emitting fossil fuel business cannot continue as usual.

Politician Rahm Emanuel defines a crisis as “an opportunit­y to do things that you think you could not do before.” Many of those “new things” are in the Climate Action Council’s draft scoping plan, which outlines measures for the state to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve energy efficiency and strengthen resilience to climate disruption.

Among other measures, the plan advocates for the state to invest at least four times more in housing improvemen­ts for a massive uptick in electrific­ation. This includes financial support for low- to moderate-income homeowners.

In keeping with this, the Legislatur­e must pass the All-electric Building Act, which prohibits fossil fuel hookups in new constructi­on statewide after 2023.

Because we rely on fossil fuels to heat so many of our homes, we have two crises: the resulting greenhouse gas emissions and sharply higher rates. We can turn those crises into an opportunit­y to improve the way we heat and cool our houses.

John Poreba New Lebanon

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