Albany Times Union



Take this Super Quiz to a PH.D. Score 1 point for each correct answer on the freshman level, 2 points on the graduate level and 3 points on the PH.D. level.


(e.g., What is the national anthem? Answer: “The Star-spangled Banner.”)


1. What is the national motto?

2. What are two major neighborin­g countries?

3. How many contiguous states are there?

4. Name the two major political parties.

5. By what name is the official residence of the president known?


6. The federal government consists of the judicial and what two other branches?

7. The Republican Party is referred to as the GOP. What is meant by “GOP”?

8. Which two animals symbolize each of the two main parties?

9. Provide another nickname for the flag in addition to “The Starspangl­ed Banner.”

10. How many horizontal rows of stars are on the U.S. flag?


11. How many members make up the Senate?

12. Identify the only federal district of the United States.

13. What is the street address of the president’s residence?

14. What part of the White House has been referred to as the “Office of the First Lady”?

15. What date is inscribed on the tablet held by the Statue of Liberty?


1. In God We Trust. 2. Canada and Mexico. 3. 48. 4. Democratic Party and Republican Party. 5. The White House. 6. Legislativ­e and executive. 7. Grand Old Party. 8. Elephant (Republican) and donkey (Democrat). 9. “Old Glory,” “The Stars and Stripes,” “The Red, White and Blue.” 10. Nine. 11. 100. 12. Washington, D.C. 13. 1600 Pennsylvan­ia Ave. 14. The East Wing. 15. JULY IV MDCCLXXVI (July 4, 1776, in Roman numerals).

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