Albany Times Union



Take this Super Quiz to a PH.D. Score 1 point for each correct answer on the freshman level, 2 points on the graduate level and 3 points on the PH.D. level.


(e.g., Addis Ababa is the capital of which country? Answer: Ethiopia.)


1. Which mountain range runs over 5,000 miles in South America?

2. In which province of Canada is the Calgary Stampede held?

3. This Mediterran­ean island is shared by Greeks and Turks.

4. Pyongyang is this country’s capital city.

5. For what did the abbreviati­on USSR stand?


6. Which two countries share the island of Hispaniola?

7. The four-letter name of this island is also the name of a programmin­g language.

8. This island in the Indian Ocean is the second-largest island country.

9. These mountains form part of the traditiona­l boundary between Europe and Asia.

10. Which four countries make up the United Kingdom?


11. What feature does the Amazon River lack that is common to most other rivers?

12. Bali is a province of which country?

13. “From here to Timbuktu” is an expression. In which country is Timbuktu?

14. Both Paul Gauguin and Robert Louis Stevenson once lived on this island.

15. This mountain range straddles the border of France and Spain.


1. Andes. 2. Alberta. 3. Cyprus. 4. North Korea. 5. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 6. The Dominican Republic and Haiti. 7. Java. 8. Madagascar. 9. Urals. 10. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. 11. No bridges. 12. Indonesia. 13. Mali. 14. Tahiti. 15. Pyrenees.

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