Albany Times Union

How Canada is recruiting immigrants to boost its economy

- By Doyle Mcmanus Doyle Mcmanus is a columnist for the Los Angeles Times.

Canada has launched an ambitious program to recruit highly skilled immigrants from all over the world — including from the United States, where our sclerotic immigratio­n system makes it difficult for foreign tech workers to obtain work visas.

Last month, Canada offered a three-year work permit to anyone holding a U.S. H-1B visa, the most common entry permit for immigrants working in the tech sector. The program, aimed partly at workers laid off in Silicon Valley’s recent downturn, drew 10,000 applicants in its first 48 hours — “a strong indication of just how competitiv­e Canada is on the global stage,” a spokesman for the country’s immigratio­n ministry said.

It was also a reflection of frustratio­n among migrants who find the U.S. visa system difficult and slow. According to one estimate, only about one in 10 people who register for the annual H-1B lottery get a visa.

“A Canadian visa is much easier,” Gireesh Bandlamudi, a 29-year-old software engineer from India, told me. With a U.S. job offer in hand, he considered his chances of winning an H-1B and applied to Canada instead. He now works remotely with Atob, a San Francisco firm that provides financial services to trucking companies, from his new home in Vancouver.

“My visa happened in four weeks, max!” he marveled.

The United States and Canada are both trying to lure the world’s best technologi­sts, but they’re using very different strategies when it comes to immigratio­n policy.

U.S. policy has been selflimiti­ng, if not self-defeating.

Since 1990, U.S. law has a fixed cap of 65,000 new H-1B visas every year, plus 20,000 for holders of master’s or doctoral degrees from American universiti­es. U.S. tech industry groups have long complained that those limits are too low, but efforts to raise them have been stymied by the partisan divide over immigratio­n policy.

In contrast, Canada is deliberate­ly seeking a big surge in immigratio­n as part of a broader strategy to grow its economy.

The Liberal Party government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has boosted immigratio­n more than 40% in the last five years, admitting more than 400,000 new permanent residents in 2021.

On a per capita basis, that’s more than four times as many immigrants as the United States admits. The U.S. issues roughly a million permanent resident permits each year, but the U.S. population is more than eight times the size of Canada’s.

Canada is also fast-tracking applicatio­ns for work permits for anyone with a sought-after skill, a category that includes not only high-tech, but healthcare workers, carpenters, plumbers and pipefitter­s, who are also in short supply north of the border. That’s how Bandlamudi got to Vancouver, with the help of a technology consulting firm called Mobsquad.

In the United States, an immigratio­n policy like that would touch off ferocious debate in Congress, where Republican hardliners have argued that legal immigratio­n should be reduced.

Not in Canada. Here, increased immigratio­n has long been supported by most of the country’s major parties.

When Trudeau announced higher immigratio­n goals last year, the initial criticism from the opposition Conservati­ve Party wasn’t that the numbers were too big, it was that the government wasn’t approving applicatio­ns quickly enough.

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