Albany Times Union

Why shouldn’t misci get funding, too?


Columnist Chris Churchill has written recently about the dire predicamen­t of Schenectad­y’s misci Museum (Museum of Innovation and Science). Museum director Gina Gould has repeatedly sought government funding to address the museum’s survival needs but to no avail.

The city and county have chosen to allocate considerab­le funds from the American Rescue Plan Act for a new hockey arena at Mohawk Harbor. This does make sense since the old arena at nearby Union College requires replacemen­t and a new recreation­al facility would be another exciting attraction on the river.

However, why couldn’t the broad purposes of these funds also be directed to museum support? And why couldn’t the proposed new developmen­t, situated on the site of the mighty American Locomotive Co., also highlight the city’s rich history of scientific and industrial accomplish­ments?

General Electric and Union College continue to play important roles in the life of the city. It would be to their respective benefit to attract the next generation of innovators through exciting museum exhibits and programs highlighti­ng the fascinatin­g field of science and technology. These institutio­ns should step forward to assist the museum in its mission.

With their support and federal funds, the museum could establish a new, state-of-the-art home at Mohawk Harbor with an updated planetariu­m and other exciting exhibits. The museum could become a major attraction while continuing to further its mission “to celebrate and explore science and technology past, present and future.”

Diane Bell Troy

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