Albuquerque Journal

You Can’t Choose The Laws That Benefit You


IT’S PAST TIME to have a comprehens­ive solution to controllin­g the borders of the United States. Any comprehens­ive solution must involve sealing the borders to the extent possible either through greater enforcemen­t along the border or by making the penalties for hiring people that are in this country illegally very high and enforcing those penalties. Until the borders are controlled, no comprehens­ive solution is possible.

After the borders are controlled, the United States will not deport everyone who is in this country illegally. It simply will not happen. Many people feel it is unfair to grant amnesty to those who are here illegally when so many others have patiently waited to enter the country legally. However, treating those who are here illegally with compassion does not diminish the situation of those who gained entry to this country legally.

The truth seems to be that neither political party wants to take the steps necessary for a comprehens­ive solution to the flow of illegal immigrants into this country. Some in the Republican Party seem to want a continuing supply of cheap labor. Some members of the Democratic Party seem to want a permanent voting block controlled by members of the community who fan the fear that family or friends who are here illegally will be deported if those who are here legally don’t vote in the “right” way. Elements in both parties seem willing to sabotage any attempt to control the borders of the United States.

This latest rule by fiat of President Obama regarding illegal immigrants simply furthers the long-sought-after establishm­ent of a permanent Democratic voting block of Hispanic voters. Selective enforcemen­t of laws about gay marriage, immigratio­n and other things by the president and members of the executive branch erodes our constituti­onal protection from the federal government and endangers the personal and economic freedoms that so many seek by coming to this country.



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