Albuquerque Journal

Jaywalkers Will Be Punished Severely


BEING A NEW resident of ABQ, I am amazed at APD operations. I live near San Mateo and Central, and, it is quite lawless around here. I always believed that the police were there to protect and serve. However, my eyes were opened (recently) as I was walking to Walmart.

Having gotten off the bus, I crossed San Mateo; apparently committing a serious crime by not using the crosswalk at the light. I’ve found that crosswalks are dangerous because some drivers don’t care if you’re crossing the street on foot. So, safely I avoid using crosswalks when needed; and, technicall­y, I suppose that is jaywalking and illegal. But, never in my imaginatio­n did I anticipate that I — not a dealer, buyer or streetwalk­er — would be stopped, searched, run for warrants and then ticketed for jaywalking! Especially since I’ve seen many more serious and damaging to the community crimes occur in this area.

So, is it stupidity or incompeten­ce that drives APD to operate in this manner? I didn’t feel safer or served, except, I was served a measure of humiliatio­n that just made me angry and distrustfu­l of APD. The officer actually jaywalked the smaller street to get to his car while writing my ticket. Go figure!

Oh, I know if they ticket jaywalkers the public is safer; and, of course, they can pad the city coffers. Bull Hockey! APD should do real police work, especially in high-crimeinfes­ted areas; scope out the real bad guys and hold them accountabl­e for real crimes. Not jaywalking!



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