Albuquerque Journal

White-power Music Sends Message of Violence

- Mcclatchy Newspapers

WASHINGTON — Christian Picciolini joined the white-power skinhead movement in 1987, when he was just 14 years old. With his friends, he started one of the first white-power hate bands in the country, White American Youth.

“The music was everything,” said Picciolini, who’s now 38. “It was the No. 1 draw for me. It’s the No. 1 weapon that neo-Nazis have to draw in young people. … It’s a propaganda tool.”

Picciolini left the movement after eight years, when his children were born. He’d decided that it was a negative influence and he didn’t want them exposed to those beliefs. He’s since co-founded Life After Hate, a nonprofit group that works to promote compassion and forgivenes­s.

The music was “violent, aggressive and inciting,” Picciolini said. “That’s sort of the M.O. It really hasn’t changed very much.”

White supremacis­t hate music, a small subculture of the white power movement, made its way into the spotlight this week because of Wade Michael Page, the Wisconsin man who shot and killed six people and wounded three at a Sikh temple in Milwaukee. Page was involved with multiple white power bands.

The music is akin to heavy metal and grunge punk, a loud, coarse type of rock with thunderous drumming, but with one major difference: The lyrics promote racism and violence against minorities. Skrewdrive­r, a popular white power band, sings: “Waiting in the lane way, waiting for the scum. Smash their yellow faces, kick their … bums. When they plee (sic) for mercy, we will show them none.”

Research has shown that hate music influences the way listeners treat the minority groups targeted in the songs. In a study by Heather LaMarre, an assistant professor of journalism and mass communicat­ion at the University of Minnesota, people who weren’t white supremacis­ts who were exposed to hate music at low volume for as little as seven minutes treated minority groups differentl­y from the way they did before they listened to it.

Byron Calvert owns Tightrope Records, an Arizona record label that distribute­s the music and sells white power parapherna­lia. Calvert, who’s in his 40s, has been involved with white power music since he was a teenager.

“You listen to what they’re singing about, and there’s nothing else like it. … It reinforces your beliefs,” he said.

Calvert said the music didn’t promote violence, but experts and civil rights advocates say hate crimes are strongly connected to the concerts. They’re a major part of the white power music subculture, in which skinheads can come together from across the world and bond over their shared hatred of minorities.

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