Albuquerque Journal

Is mom texting daughter too much?


DEAR ABBY: I have to respond to your reply to “Tammi’s Mom in N.J.” (June 21), whose daughter won’t answer her texts at college. Our daughter, “Jill,” attended college 12 hours from home. She would text me almost every day — short, sweet messages always ending with “Luv U, XOXO.” I looked forward to those texts because they were a lifeline to my daughter.

Tammi’s Mom is coping with empty nest syndrome, which no child can understand until she experience­s it herself. Thankfully, Jill knew how much her texts meant to me. I hope Tammi sees this and appreciate­s that she has a mom who loves and cares about her. — REMEMBERIN­G IN JOHNSTOWN, PA.

DEAR REMEMBERIN­G: Thank you for sharing. I stressed to Tammi’s Mom that her daughter is growing up and trying to establish independen­ce. However, readers were quick to point out that Tammi still owes her mother the courtesy of keeping in touch:

DEAR ABBY: When I was away at college, many students expected their parents to pay their tuition and living expenses, but stay out of their lives. Tammi’s Mom said she’d be happy with a call or text every two or three days. I don’t think that is unreasonab­le.

I have lived several hundred miles away from my family for 10 years now. I enjoy a great deal of independen­ce, but I know it worries my parents to have me so far away. I call them every day or two. Asking for a quick text, which takes only a few moments, is not “helicopter parenting.” — INDEPENDEN­T GIRL IN ARIZONA

DEAR ABBY: To Tammi’s Mom, I say — it’s time to get a life! Do things now that you’ve always wanted to do. If you’re married, find things in common again. Sometimes when we raise our kids, we can become consumed with their wants and needs, and our marriages suffer.

Take up a new hobby and let your baby bird spread her wings. She’ll thank you for it and will want to call you when you stop calling or texting every day. — KNOWS FROM EXPERIENCE

DEAR ABBY: Until recently, I had two children in college — one close to home, the other several hours away. Unfortunat­ely, there is so much violence everywhere today and kids are vulnerable to it.

Kids send hundreds of text messages a day to their friends. I don’t think it’s too much to ask for an occasional text from your child to make sure he or she is indeed safe. — BILL IN BLOOMSBURY, N.J.

DEAR ABBY: While I was away at college, my dad was like Tammi’s Mom, and it drove me nuts. So we compromise­d. Every Sunday morning at 9, Dad and I would talk on the phone. That way he could catch up on my week and know I was OK. Mom needs to give her daughter space. — COLLEGE GRAD IN ILLINOIS

 ?? ABIGAIL VAN BUREN Syndicated Columnist ??
ABIGAIL VAN BUREN Syndicated Columnist

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