Albuquerque Journal

Lawyer complains about OMI

Charges will stand in case of baby’s death

- By Scott Sandlin Journal Staff Writer

A state District Court judge didn’t buy arguments that she should dismiss pending charges of child abuse resulting in the death of a 1-month-old girl against Juan Galindo.

Charged in January 2012, Galindo remains in custody on a milliondol­lar cash-only bond in connection with the death.

But a motion by his attorney Jeff Buckels appeared to shake something loose from investigat­ors. After being told repeatedly by the Office of the Medical Investigat­or that autopsy reports had not been made final, Buckels complained in writing to the judge that the delays were unacceptab­le and unfair — enough to dismiss charges.

“The state has yet to come forward with a medically grounded — and plain English — explanatio­n of how Mr. Galindo is supposed to have caused the death of the child,” the defense motion said. He noted other homicide prosecutio­ns have waited until all the informatio­n was in before the state proceeded on charges.

Deputy District Attorney Lisa Trabaudo, however, said she had contacted OMI, too, and finally received a copy of the autopsy report only about a month ago, in mid-January. She said she turned over materials to the defense as soon she got them, including a supplement­al police report, Children Youth and Family Department records, fire department records, transcript­s of interviews with the child’s mother and other children at the home at the time and Galindo’s police records from Texas.

According to the criminal complaint, the child had black eyes, bite marks on her cheeks and blood coming from her genital area.

The case was not filed prematurel­y, Trabaudo said. “It was clear to law enforcemen­t and the OMI that the child had suffered non-accidental trauma” and that Galindo was both a flight risk and a danger to the community.

At a brief hearing Thursday, 2nd Judicial District Judge Jacqueline Flores quizzed attorneys about trial dates before settling on Dec. 2, and ordered that slides be turned over to the defense by the end of this week.

She declined to tag the prosecutio­n with administra­tive delay in producing documents, telling Buckels, “You’ve made your record” for any future appeal.

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