Albuquerque Journal

Dragon arrives at space station

Supply ship overcomes mechanical difficulty to make delivery


CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — A private Earth-to-orbit delivery service made good on its latest shipment to the Internatio­nal Space Station on Sunday, overcoming mechanical difficulty and delivering a ton of supplies with high-flying finesse.

To NASA’s relief, the SpaceX company’s Dragon capsule pulled up to the orbiting lab with all of its systems in perfect order. Station astronauts used a hefty robot arm to snare the unmanned Dragon, and three hours later, it was bolted into place.

The Dragon’s arrival couldn’t have been sweeter — and not because of the fresh fruit on board for the six-man station crew. Coming a full day late, the 250-milehigh linkup above Ukraine culminated a two-day chase that got off to a shaky, almost dead-ending start.

Moments after the Dragon reached orbit Friday, a clogged pressure line or stuck valve prevented the timely release of the solar panels and the crucial firing of small maneuverin­g rockets. SpaceX flight controller­s struggled for several hours before gaining control of the capsule and salvaging the mission.

Among the items on board: 640 seeds of a flowering weed used for research, mouse stem cells, food and clothes for the six men on board the space station, trash bags, computer equipment, air purifiers, spacewalki­ng tools and batteries. The company also tucked away apples and other fresh treats from an employee’s family orchard.

The Dragon will remain at the space station for most of March before returning to Earth with science samples, empty food containers and old equipment.

The Cal i fornia- based SpaceX run by billionair­e Elon Musk has a $1.6 billion contract with NASA to keep the station well stocked. The contract calls for 12 supply runs; this was the second in that series.

This is the third time, however, that a Dragon has visited the space station.

The Dragon’s splashdown in the Pacific, off the Southern California coast, remains on schedule for March 25.

NASA is counting on the commercial sector to supply the space station for the rest of this decade; it’s supposed to keep running until at least 2020.

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