Albuquerque Journal

Are we together, or not so much?

- ABIGAIL VAN BUREN Syndicated Columnist Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

DEAR ABBY: I am 21 and confused. My boyfriend, “Ethan,” and I broke up five months ago, but we recently got back together. The problem is, he hides the fact that we’re together. I’m not allowed to put anything on Facebook or even comment or “like” anything on his page. He hardly even talks to me or comes to see me, and when we do talk or see each other, we end up in a fight. We used to be great together, but things are no longer the way they were.

Ethan insists he’s not cheating on me, but it’s hard to believe him, because when we got back together he had been talking to a girl who lives a few miles away from him. I don’t want to end our relationsh­ip. Ethan says he loves me and doesn’t want to leave me, but I don’t know what to think anymore. Any advice? — DRIFTING IN OHIO

DEAR DRIFTING: Yes. Wake up, honey. The relationsh­ip you cherished with Ethan is over. A man who is in love with a woman sees and talks with her often, and doesn’t hide her from the world or get into a fight with her every time he sees her. That he would forbid you to mention that you are back together on Facebook and refuse to permit you to comment on his posts is a huge red flag.

Here’s my advice: Take a giant step back and see Ethan for who he is — a person who doesn’t tell the truth and is very likely a cheater. If he was sincere, he’d be telling the world the happy news about your reunion.

DEAR ABBY: I’m a 16-year-old girl and a junior in high school. I love my best friend and we are very close with each other. How do we maintain a strong friendship when we go to college? We are planning on going to different colleges, possibly in different states. We don’t want to lose what we have right now. — GOOD FRIEND ON THE WEST COAST

DEAR GOOD FRIEND: Through instant messaging and social media. But understand that both of you will have new responsibi­lities that will occupy your time, and you will meet new people and form additional relationsh­ips. It doesn’t have to have a negative impact on your close friendship if you both approach it with the right attitude. College is a time for growth and expansion. When you see each other during vacations from school, you can share that with each other.

Dear Abby

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