Albuquerque Journal


- ARGUS HAMILTON Argus Hamilton is host comedian at The Comedy Store in Hollywood. E-mail him at Argus@ArgusHamil­

BEVERLY HILLS — God Bless America and how’s everybody?

Fox News reported that one of the five Taliban fighters the U.S. exchanged for deserter Sgt. Bo Bergdahl is re-joining the Taliban in Afghanista­n. We traded them five of their guys for one of our guys. The U.S. government can’t even swap prisoners without running up an 80 percent deficit.

Oprah Winfrey brought the cast and director of the movie “Selma” to the White House last Friday to commemorat­e the 50th anniversar­y of the signing of the Voting Rights Act. We’ve come a long way since then. Fifty years later, every American regardless of race, creed and color is spied on equally.

Justin Bieber went on the “Ellen Degeneres Show” to apologize for his long pattern of wild behavior. He’s been arrested for DUI, malicious mischief, drag racing and assaulting his limo driver. It was just a year ago that Bieber retired from music to focus on building up his criminal record.

President Obama’s nominee for Attorney General Loretta Lynch told her Senate confirmati­on hearing that she thinks marijuana is more dangerous than alcohol. The facts say otherwise. The murder rate in Colorado is so low because anybody you shoot must be within range of your couch.

Mitt Romney told a college audience he’s not trying to get rich taking speakers fees like Hillary, then he got a laugh by adding he’s already rich. He’s a natural capitalist. On his last trip to Rome, Mitt advised Pope Francis that the Vatican could turn a profit if he outsourced all his prayers to India.

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