Albuquerque Journal

Experts dispute cholestero­l advice

Doctor: ‘The public’s completely confused’


Recently the annual Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report stated that cholestero­l was “not a nutrient of concern for overconsum­ption.”

Some people celebrated, expecting once again to fill their bellies with unlimited amounts of butter, cheese, sausage and steak. But several notable doctors and scientists balked — and even protested.

“The result has been a green light for people to eat unhealthfu­l foods,” said Neal D. Barnard, founding president of the Physicians Committee for Responsibl­e Medicine, in his March 24 testimony before the advisory committee. ”The committee made a scientific error on cholestero­l, and to carry that mistake into the guidelines is not scientific­ally defensible and serves only to perpetuate confusion.”

A conclusion that eating foods high in cholestero­l like eggs will not affect blood cholestero­l levels is flawed science, several critics have stated. Others raise concern that people will use that pronouncem­ent as license to eat as much high-cholestero­l foods as they want — all to the detriment of health.

Moreover, other

components in foods containing cholestero­l can pose health risks, including saturated fat, they said.

“Most of the members of the public don’t differenti­ate between dietary cholestero­l and blood cholestero­l or the effects of dietary cholestero­l from the risk of foods that contain it,” Dr. Barnard said in his testimony.

Michael Greger of NutritionF­ went a step further, stating that dietary cholestero­l not only raises blood cholestero­l but increases the risk of diabetes, cancers and liver disease, including nonalcohol­ic cirrhosis, cancer and hepatitis C.

Another problem, Dr. Greger testified, is that cholestero­l is “correlated with other disease-promoting components in the same foods,” such as saturated fat. Removing limits on cholestero­l consumptio­n will invite people “to consume foods that should be minimized in lieu of healthier food choices.”

The U.S. Department of Agricultur­e updates sciencebas­ed dietary guidelines every five years, with new guidelines expected later this year. The committee wants to overturn the 2010 guidelines recommendi­ng fewer than 300 milligrams a day of dietary cholestero­l, with a national average of 340 milligrams. One egg yolk has about 185 milligrams.

Cholestero­l occurs only in animal-based foods, with high concentrat­ions in eggs, shellfish and organ meats including liver. While those foods don’t contain high levels of saturated fat, certain cuts of beef (ribs), lamb and pork (chops), and whole-dairy products do contain elevated levels of cholestero­l and saturated fat. The draft guidelines say that limiting saturated fat consumptio­n “would further reduce the population level risk of cardiovasc­ular disease.”

So will saturated-fat consumptio­n increase once limits on dietary cholestero­l are removed?

Robert H. Eckel, professor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and former American Health Associatio­n president, co-authored the 2013 AHA/American College of Cardiology evidence upon which the committee based its decision to remove dietary-cholestero­l limits. “The evidence we reviewed indicated that dietary cholestero­l independen­t from the intake of saturated and trans fats alone caused no appreciabl­e increase in blood cholestero­l levels.”

But he said the committee statement should include an asterisk to denote the need for definitive studies to decide the matter.

“I think the public’s completely confused,” Dr. Eckel said. ”The right studies need to be done where the entire diet is prescribed and the only modificati­on is in cholestero­l content.”

Cholestero­l, “a waxy, fatlike substance that’s found in all cells of the body,” is needed to make hormones, vitamin D and substances that help digest food. The body makes the amount of cholestero­l it needs, the National Institutes of Health states. Cholestero­l, found in animal-based foods but not plants, travels in the blood with elevated low-density lipoprotei­ns (LDL) cholestero­l levels responsibl­e for the buildup of plaque in arteries, resulting in cardiovasc­ular and heart disease.

Cholestero­l in the blood courses back to the liver where it is removed and discarded. But saturated fat in the liver prevent the liver from removing cholestero­l, allowing levels to build in the blood, the NIH explains.

Lewis Kuller, professor emeritus at the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health, said famous research studies from the 1950s through the 1970s clearly found dietary cholestero­l to raise blood cholestero­l. But the advisory committee, he said, relies only on research done since 1990. Modern studies survey people about what foods they consumed, as compared to the earlier studies that provided study participan­ts with specific diets to measure the impacts of dietary cholestero­l.

For that reason, Dr. Kuller, 81, who’s been studying the topic for decades, said the committee’s statement “is fallacious.”

“The intake of dietary cholestero­l has been reduced dramatical­ly (over the decades) primarily by efforts to convince the public to reduce their intake of dietary cholestero­l,” Dr. Kuller stated in a written response to the committee guidelines. Those population-wide reductions in cholestero­l represent “a major public health advance.” But that’s now at risk if limits on dietary cholestero­l are removed. An increase in the nation’s average cholestero­l rate of a mere 10 milligrams “can be interprete­d to result in perhaps a 20 percent increase in the risk of coronary heart disease.”

 ?? THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Two diners begin their breakfast at a Massachuse­tts restaurant. Not all agree, but experts now believe that eggs may not be such an unhealthy breakfast.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Two diners begin their breakfast at a Massachuse­tts restaurant. Not all agree, but experts now believe that eggs may not be such an unhealthy breakfast.
 ??  ?? KULLER: Says studies aren’t comparable
KULLER: Says studies aren’t comparable

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