Albuquerque Journal

Boyfriend must learn control

- ABIGAIL VAN BUREN Syndicated Columnist Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

DEAR ABBY: I have known “Dean” for 10 years. We have been living together for two. Since the beginning, he has struggled with depression, anxiety and anger issues. Occasional­ly he has explosive episodes where he’ll throw things and punch or kick inanimate objects.

Recently things escalated. He was angry with himself and he threw a potted plant across the room.

I’m not an idiot. I know these are serious issues. Every friend or family member of mine who knows him believes he’s a good guy deep down. But they all tell me to leave him. I talked with him after the incident. He called a therapist, set up an appointmen­t and has promised he won’t drink anymore.

I’m struggling with the judgment I’m feeling from my friends and family. Dean is a man I see a future with, and I don’t want to give him up when he’s finally seeking treatment. My friends are concerned about me getting hurt, either in the crossfire or when I try to stop him from hurting himself. Am I an idiot for not walking away? — NOT READY TO WALK

DEAR NOT READY: If all your family and friends are worried about your physical safety, for your own sake, you may have to stop trying to save Dean and concentrat­e on yourself for a while.

He may have many fine qualities, and the fact that he is willing to seek help for his explosive temper says a lot for him. That’s why I’m suggesting you and Dean pay a visit to his therapist together and ask whether it would be better if you live apart until he learns to recognize and manage his “triggers.” It may give him the incentive to work harder on his problems — because it appears he has more than a few to deal with.

DEAR ABBY: Last year my unmarried 30ish niece became a mother. Never once has there been any mention of a father.

I am more than a little bit curious. A one-night stand? A fertility clinic? A do-it-yourself turkey-baster job? Would I be wrong to bring up the subject? CURIOUS UNCLE IN OREGON

DEAR UNCLE: Yes, you would. If the father’s identity was any of your business, you would already know the answer to that question.

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