Albuquerque Journal

Mom’s addiction is dangerous

- ABIGAIL VAN BUREN Syndicated Columnist Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

DEAR ABBY: I’m a 17-year-old girl and I caught my mom sniffing nail polish remover.

I don’t know what to do. I don’t know why she would want to do this.

Should I talk to her about it? She’ll probably make up some excuse like she likes the smell. She sometimes tells me I need to grow up because I can act silly. But honestly, SHE is the one who needs to grow up.

I want to help her because I know what she’s doing is not good for her. But how? KNOWS HER SECRET IN NORTH CAROLINA

DEAR KNOWS: Your mother may have an acetone addiction. Because you can’t convince her to take your concerns seriously, tell another adult ASAP what’s going on — a relative, your father if he’s in the picture, a teacher or counselor at school.

This kind of inhalant addiction is serious because in high concentrat­ions acetone is a nervous system depressant. This means it can slow a person’s heartbeat, respiratio­n and metabolism, causing a person to become dizzy, confused and pass out. It can also damage the vital organs — the heart, liver, kidneys and the bone marrow — and cause cardiac arrest.

A support group for the children of addicts such as Alateen could give you emotional support. To find one, visit

DEAR ABBY: My husband had a heart attack a week ago and is still in the ICU. I visit him every day. Yesterday I found out that he had asked his sister to stay with me to “be there for me.”

I am furious. My sister-in-law is a nice woman, but we have never been close. My house is a shambles because housework is painful for me. So now, in addition to the stress of taking cabs to see him, I have the additional stress of trying to make the house presentabl­e.

I know my husband meant well, but I don’t want to go through this in front of an audience. I feel angry and guilty for being angry. Can you help me put this into perspectiv­e? STRESSED IN NEW JERSEY DEAR STRESSED: After spending a week in an ICU, your husband may be having concerns about ever emerging. He may have suggested his sister come because he was worried about how you would handle being alone. That you might be upset about your home didn’t enter his mind.

However, now that she’s coming, be smart. Ask her to help you with the deferred housework.If, as you say, you aren’t close, her stay with you may be shorter than planned.

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