Albuquerque Journal



I HOPE SOMEONE informed the folks at New Mexico Tech that those regular tremors from the Albuquerqu­e area on Wednesday night had nothing to do with earth tectonics. It was just the result of Lobo players being knocked down on a regular basis by the “Lady” Rebels. MMA basketball in The Pit. Has a nice ring to it, eh? Price, Murray, and Hermann should be reprimande­d for the lousy game they called.

— MAL, Albuquerqu­e

NEXT YEAR, UNM, put the basketball tickets date and day in black like the football tickets or at least larger so people can read them.


TO JCSo Cal: want to watch LA Rams? Direct TV or sports bar. To JTR, NE Heights: I do remember Darryl Stingley. The current Bengals are the old Raiders. Goodell WUSSES out again!


UNM SECURITY You can lead the horse to the water but you can’t drink the water for the horse. Peace.

— Disgusted Lifetime Lobo

JACK I DON’T KNOW if you’re trying to be politicall­y correct but look up the definition of inmates. My point had nothing to do with the refs. The point is the NFL, NBA, and the MLB Players are running the show. In the real world when you get paid and you have a Boss you do what they tell you to do or there’s somebody out there that will. They need to reel them back in.

— Vince

I KEEP BEATING a dead horse, but Noodles got out coached from an assistant coach, and from a team that is worse off than the Lobos. … The Lobos should have crushed them and their hopes! But he thinks that we are going in the right direction, if this is true Lobo nation is in deep trouble.

— JG

IN HIS QUOTES about the loss to UNLV, our basketball coach did not seem to be too upset by our loss. Norm Ellenberge­r once said “that when you lose one game, it is easier to lose two. When you lose two, it is easier to lose three”. Coach Neal should know this. Remember, last year we went 0 for February. How about manning up coach.

— Class of ’71

HEY BOB, Instead of UNLV hiring Mike Brown and possibly losing Elijah to the Rebels, why don’t we hire him here at UNM, as the head coach!

— D-Ro

COACHING FROM ROUNDHOUSE? Scholarshi­p quota idea was floated a few years back until it was pointed out that other states would do the same and those limits would rob good NM athletes of their dreams. Some out-of-state recruits make New Mexico home and some New Mexicans return with experience that enriches us. Bad idea dropped back then, as it should be now. Coaches should judge talent without legislativ­e interferen­ce.

— Lobo Leprechaun

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