Albuquerque Journal

Cautious kissing urged in Brazil

Zika virus found in samples of saliva


RIO DE JANEIRO — In a sign of mounting global concern over the Zika virus, health officials on Friday warned pregnant women to think twice about the lips they kiss and called on men to use condoms with pregnant partners if they have visited countries where the virus is present.

U.N. officials also called on many Catholic-majority countries in Latin America to loosen their abortion laws to allow women to terminate pregnancie­s if they fear the fetus may be at risk for a rare birth defect that causes brain damage and an abnormally small head, which may be linked to the virus.

The flurry of recommenda­tions began in Brazil, where a top health official warned pregnant women to be cautious with their kisses.

Paulo Gadelha, president of the Fiocruz research institute, said at a news conference that scientists have found live virus in saliva and urine samples, and the possibilit­y it could be spread by the two body fluids requires further study.

He said that calls for special precaution to be taken with pregnant women, and suggested they avoid kissing people other than a regular partner or sharing cutlery, glasses and plates with people who have symptoms of the virus.

“This is not a generalize­d public health measure, for the love of God,” he added, stressing both the seriousnes­s of the discovery and reality that it was too soon to say how it could impact the epidemic.

Friday’s announceme­nt coincided with the start of Carnival, a five-day-long bacchanali­a that sees millions of people take part in non-stop, alcohol-fueled parties where kissing as many people as possible is a top pastime. Gadelha underscore­d that the discovery needn’t alter Carnival plans for anyone but pregnant women.

Gadelha also stressed that the Aedes aegpyti mosquito, which spreads dengue, chikunguny­a and yellow fever as well as Zika, remains the virus’ main vector and said the fight against the mosquito should be a top priority.

The Fiocruz team studied samples taken from two patients who showed symptoms of Zika and also tested positive for the illness. Tests on cell cultures showed that the viruses in the samples were capable of damaging the cells, meaning that they were active.

Myrna Bonaldo, who headed the Fiocruz team behind the discovery, said she was particular­ly surprised that the virus was found in urine, because Zika is generally thought not to thrive in acidic mediums.

“Each discovery is a surprise and a new find for us,” she said. “For us scientists, it’s extremely challengin­g to understand Zika virus.”

Meanwhile, in Geneva, spokeswoma­n Cecile Pouilly said the U.N. High Commission­er for Human Rights was asking government­s in Zika-affected countries in Latin America and the Caribbean to repeal any policies that restrict access to sexual and reproducti­ve health services, including abortion.

“How can they … not offer (women) … the possibilit­y to stop their pregnancie­s if they wish?” she said.

Pouilly gave the example of El Salvador, where about a quarter of women had experience­d physical or sexual violence in the past year.

“So that also shows that many of these pregnancie­s are out of their control and countries obviously have to take that into account,” she said. Pouilly said that safe abortion services should be provided to the full extent of the law. “The key point is that women should have the choice and (make) informed decisions,” she said.

The National Conference of Bishops in Brazil, the South American country hardest hit by Zika, had no immediate comment on calls to loosen abortion laws. However, in a statement issued Thursday, the bishops said that the World Health Organizati­on’s declaratio­n earlier this week that Zika was an internatio­nal emergency didn’t justify abortion.

Meanwhile, U.S. health officials said men who have visited an area with Zika should use condoms if they have sex with a pregnant woman — for the entire duration of the pregnancy.

The guidance issued Friday also says men might consider abstaining or using condoms even if they have sex with a woman who isn’t pregnant.

Zika virus disease is mainly spread by mosquitoes. But U.S. health officials detected a case of sexual transmissi­on of the disease in Texas this week, and, in Brazil, officials said they had confirmed the virus was contracted via blood transfusio­ns. For most people who catch the virus, it causes mild or no symptoms.

 ?? LEO CORREA/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? A couple kisses during Carnival celebratio­ns in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on Friday. Brazilian health officials said pregnant women should be especially cautious about whom they kiss.
LEO CORREA/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A couple kisses during Carnival celebratio­ns in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on Friday. Brazilian health officials said pregnant women should be especially cautious about whom they kiss.

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