Albuquerque Journal

Caldwell, Zee


Zee wanted to write this letter herself but time ran out earlier than expected. Those of us who love her will write about her and try to say some of the things she would have written.

Zee loved New Mexico: the people, the mountains, the trails, the opportunit­ies for riding, hiking, camping. Just being "on the road" was one of her treasures.

She was born to be an educator. The children touched her heart - in California, in the Canal Zone and, of course, New Mexico. She also cherished the friendship­s that blossomed with parents and others in the school systems. Being principal at Corrales Elementary was one of her greatest joys. And, of course, the National Award the school won was a highlight of those years.

When health issues became too consuming, she retired. She and husband, Robert, moved to Michigan where they lived for several years before returning to Albuquerqu­e. Shortly after that, Robert passed away. Zee had always loved to dance and was an accomplish­ed dancer. In later years, at the Albuquerqu­e Dance Club, she met Bill Gabbert. They enjoyed a large group of friends at the Club.

Zee’s multiple health problems were an unending struggle throughout her entire life but she refused to surrender to them. Finally, they became more than her body could fight. She spent her last days with her brother’s family in Oklahoma. Bill never left her side.

To all her friends, she would say "thank you for good times and sharing whatever life brought us". To all her family, she would say, one last time, "I love you".

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