Albuquerque Journal

Money’s role in politics subtle, real

- RUTH MARCUS Syndicated Columnist E-mail: Copyright, Washington Post Writers Group.

MANCHESTER, N.H. — The role of money in politics is neither as crude as Bernie Sanders suggests, nor as benign — at least when it comes to herself — as Hillary Clinton would have you think.

Sanders presents a mechanisti­c view of the impact of campaign donors: contributi­ons in, results out. Thus, in Sanders’ view, Hillary Clinton, and the money she scoops up, offers a disturbing illustrati­on of a larger problem.

“What being part of the establishm­ent is, is in the last quarter having a super PAC that raised $15 million from Wall Street, that throughout one’s life raised a whole lot of money from the drug companies and other special interests,” Sanders said in Thursday’s debate.

“To my mind, if we do not get a handle on money in politics and the degree to which big money controls the political process in this country, nobody is going to bring about the changes that [are] needed in this country for the middle class and working families.”

Clinton bristled at what she called his “artful smear.” Sanders’ “attack,” she said, “comes down to ... anybody who ever took donations or speaking fees from any interest group has to be bought. And I just absolutely reject that. ... You will not find that I ever changed a view or a vote because of any donation that I ever received.”

I’ve written about money and politics for years now, and I would suggest: Both candidates have it wrong.

Campaign contributi­ons don’t have the automatic, all-but-guaranteed results of Sanders’ depiction. People write checks for many reasons beyond economic selfintere­st, even people who work for Goldman Sachs, and even big checks.

The process operates in a more subtle way, which is not to say it is an attractive one or healthy for democracy.

Campaign checks grease the way for access; they help focus the recipient’s mind on the donor’s cause. And sometimes, sure, they have the desired result.

But other forces — including public opinion and ideologica­l inclinatio­ns — play a role in the eventual outcome. If the Koch brothers didn’t exist, conservati­ve Republican­s would still question the wisdom of emission regulation­s they view as damaging to economic growth. The power of the National Rifle Associatio­n comes not from the group’s campaign spending but from its capacity to mobilize supporters.

At the same time, Clinton’s air of huffy injury — how dare you criticize all the cash I’ve collected because you can’t show any direct impact on the outcome? — mischaract­erizes the nature of the monetary transactio­n and airbrushes the avidity with which both Clintons have stroked big givers for decades.

Of course contributi­ons have some influence — if not on the ultimate result — on who obtains a meeting to make sure their concerns are aired, on who gets hired for a key administra­tion job.

Indeed, if this cash didn’t matter, there would be no reason for Clinton to call so passionate­ly for overturnin­g the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United, which opened the door to the era of the super PAC, with its unlimited donations from corporatio­ns and wealthy individual­s.

An all-but-forgotten episode from her husband’s time in office offers an ugly real-world illustrati­on of what money can buy, and the Clintons’ role in peddling cash for favors. It involves a California businessma­n, Johnny Chung, who, back when big “soft money” checks could flow straight to parties, gave $366,000 to the Democratic National Committee.

Chung, who eventually pleaded guilty to tax evasion and election law violations, used the donations to arrange visits to the White House, at least 49 times in two years. As a Senate investigat­ion found, “Chung was granted extraordin­ary access to the White House, and especially the first lady’s office.”

Although a National Security Council staffer considered Chung a “hustler,” Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff, Maggie Williams, accepted his $50,000 check in her White House office — immediatel­y after Chung brought a delegation of Chinese clients for lunch at the White House mess, a tour of the White House and a photo with Hillary Clinton in the Map Room.

This welcoming embrace did not simply reflect the first lady’s raising money for the team; as the Senate report relates, a Hillary Clinton aide told Chung that “the first lady had some debts with the DNC” to pay for holiday parties.

“I see the White House is like a subway,” Chung told the Los Angeles Times in 1997. “You have to put in coins to open the gates.’’ It’s fair to recall: Hillary Clinton stood on the other side of the turnstile.

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